New User Training for Billers
Use the new user training outline below to learn how to complete billing tasks in PCC.
For personalized training, help with configuration, or other needs, contact PCC Support.
- 1 Get Started
- 2 Update Demographics and Insurance Policy Information
- 3 Verify Insurance Eligibility for Encounters
- 4 Work with Account Notes
- 5 Post Charges
- 6 Submit Claims
- 7 Post Payments
- 8 Get Started in the Practice Management Window
- 9 Work on Claim Errors, Rejections and Denials
- 10 Edit Encounter Charges and Submit Corrected Claims
- 11 Review Claim Reports and Work on Accounts Receivable
- 12 Bill Families
- 13 Prove Out and Review Audit Reports
- 14 Handle Less-Common Accounting Tasks
- 15 Configure Insurance and Billing
Get Started
Learn how to log in, navigate in PCC EHR, and use chat.
Log In to PCC EHR
- Log In and Navigate PCC EHR
- Log In to PCC EHR
- Change Passwords and Other User Account Settings
- Connect to Your PCC System from Home
Chat with Colleagues
Update Demographics and Insurance Policy Information
Work with patient and family account records and update a patient's insurance policies.
- Review and Update Patient and Family Demographics
- Update a Patient’s Insurance Policies
- Review and Update Patient and Family Demographics
- Review and Update Patient Insurance Policies
- Find Patients and Accounts
- Add New Patients and Accounts
Verify Insurance Eligibility for Encounters
You can review insurance eligibility en masse for all upcoming encounters, or for a single patient's encounter.
Work with Account Notes
Whenever you work with a family on a billing issue, you may want to take notes on the account.
Post Charges
First: a Clinician Prepares an Encounter for Billing
When a visit, phone call, or other billable encounter is finished, what does a clinician do to prepare the encounter for the biller?
Post Charges and Queue Up a Claim
A biller selects an encounter that is ready to bill, reviews the codes and payments, and then posts the charges to queue up an insurance claim.
Post Other Types of Encounters
How does PCC EHR work for a telemedicine visit? Can you bill for care provided through portal messages? These additional examples will help you review all of the above steps and show how they can work for other types of encounters.
- Post Hospital Charges
- Schedule, Chart, and Bill a Telemedicine Encounter
- Post an Administrative Charge
- Bill for Phone Encounters and Portal Messages
- Post Hospital Charges
- Schedule, Chart, and Bill a Telemedicine Visit
- Post Administrative Fees Without an Appointment
- Bill for Phone Encounters and Portal Messages
Review Posted Charges, Find and Add Missing Items
How do you review and update posted charges, and what reports will help you make sure you’ve found every charge that needs to be posted? Read the articles below to learn about PCC EHR tools that help you make sure you’ve completed the work needed before you send claims out.
- Work with a Patient’s Billing History
- Review an Encounter’s Billing History
- Find Encounter Charges That Need to Be Posted
- Invalid article ID or slug
- Reconcile Personal Payments and Prove Out at the End of the Day
- Review Posted Charges In Daily Check
Submit Claims
Post Payments
Post Personal Payments and Write Off Charges
- Post Personal Payments and Write Off Charges
- Post Personal Payments and Write Off Charges
- Enter and Review Account Notes
Post Insurance Payments
Automatically post straightforward ERAs that do not include rejections or errors. Then manually review any outliers and post adjustments, make changes, and resubmit charges or send claims to the next responsible party.
- Autopost ERAs in PCC EHR
- Manually Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments
- Read ERA 835s from Payors
- Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments
- Read ERA 835s from Payors
- Invalid article ID or slug
- ERAs and EOBs with PCC
- CARC and RARC Values in PCC
Post Less-Common Payments
How do you post capitation checks, incentive payments, interest payments, overpayments, and withhold payments?
- Post Less-Common Payments
- Post Capitation Checks, Incentive Payments, Interest Payments, Overpayments, and Withhold Payments
Review Payment History and Edit Payments
Print Receipts
Get Started in the Practice Management Window
For advanced billing functions, a biller sometimes uses the Practice Management window in PCC EHR.
- Open and Use the Practice Management (Partner) Window
- Open and Use the Practice Management (Partner) Window
Work on Claim Errors, Rejections and Denials
Some claims need corrections before they can even head out the door. Later, you may receive rejections and denials that require you to update charge information and resubmit.
Edit Encounter Charges and Submit Corrected Claims
You may need to change the responsible party for encounter charges, change a code suffix, or add an authorization or reference number to a claim. How do you make changes and then resubmit a claim?
Adjust Encounter Charges and Payments
- Edit Encounter Charges and Resubmit Claims
- Invalid article ID or slug
- Change the Copay and Responsible Party for Posted Charges
- Edit Encounter Charges and Other Claim Information and Resubmit a Claim
- Enter and Review Encounter Billing Notes
- Unlink and Relink a Payment
- Add an Attachment Code to a Claim
Submit a Corrected Claim
Review Claim Reports and Work on Accounts Receivable
Read Payer Responses and EDI Reports and Understand Rejections
Review Insurance A/R and Address Unpaid Claims
Bill Families
- Generate Personal Account Bills
- Print a Single Account Statement
- Generate Personal Account Bills
- Review Personal Account Balances
- Review What Appeared on a Printed Bill
- Track Personal Balances (persview)
- Work With Special Accounts (cfs)
Prove Out and Review Audit Reports
PCC includes a variety of reports for double-checking charges and payments after they are posted.
- Reconcile Personal Payments and Prove Out at the End of the Day
- Review and Prove Out Insurance Payments by Check Number
- Review Posted Charges In Daily Check
PCC also includes reports that will help you:
- Find Unlinked Payments on Accounts
- Work with Accounts with Credit Balances
- Review Daily Posting Activity By Account
- Review Complete Account Histories
Handle Less-Common Accounting Tasks
Every day, billers post charges, post payments and adjustments, and bill families. What about less-common events, or challenging accounting tasks?
- Refund Personal Credits
- Post a Returned Check or Other Personal Payment Reversal
- Reverse an Insurance Payment (Post a Takeback)
- Requeue Large Numbers of Claims and Resubmit
- Refund or Write-Off Account Credits
- Post a Returned Check or Other Personal Payment Reversal
- Reverse an Insurance Payment (Post a Takeback)
- Requeue Large Numbers of Claims and Resubmit
- Invalid article ID or slug
- Write Off Charges and Bad Debt
- Turn an Account Over to Collections
Configure Insurance and Billing
Billers may need to configure how diagnoses and procedures are coded, add a new insurance payer to the system, and adjust procedures and their prices. PCC Support can help with these tasks.
- Edit Your Practice’s Configuration Tables
- Edit Your Practice’s Procedures, Codes, Adjustments, and Prices
- Edit the Insurance Plans on Your PCC System
- Configure Claim Holds and Claim Delay
- Configure Order Billing, Diagnoses, and the Bill Window
- Edit Your Practice’s Procedures, Codes, Adjustments, and Prices
- Edit Your Practice’s Configuration Tables
- Invalid article ID or slug
- Configure Claim Holds and Claim Delay