Get Started in Billing and Practice Management
PCC’s tools help you process and prepare claims, send them electronically or print them, review rejections and denials, fix problems and resubmit, work down your insurance accounts receivable, and bill families for outstanding balances. You can maximize the use of your time as you pursue proper payment for your practice.
Get Started
Use this new user training outline to learn how to complete billing tasks in PCC.
As you post charges, you can review and update patient information (like insurance eligibility), double-check the linking and codes that the clinician selected, and post any payments received.
Review an Encounter’s Billing History
Use the Billing History in a patient's chart to see full details of what was billed for an encounter, what payments were collected, when claims were sent, acknowledged, and received, and more.
Learn More
Analyze and Respond to COVID-19’s Impact in Your Dashboard
Use the COVID-19 section of your Practice Vitals Dashboard to track and analyze the impact on your practice. Along with details on your practice's charges, payments, and visit volume, you'll find recommendations and links to more resources. -
PCC offers a comprehensive course on using its software for pediatric billing and collections.