Edit the Insurance Plans on Your PCC System
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Edit the Insurance Plans on Your PCC System (7 minutes • 2025-01)
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Use the Tables tool in PCC EHR to add a new insurance plan and configure the payors you send claims to.
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- Here are some related articles in Manage and Administer Your PCC Tools > Configure Billing Functions > Add and Configure Insurance Companies > Billing and Practice Management > Bill Insurance:
Edit the Insurance Plans On Your PCC System
Use the Tables tool in the Configuration menu in PCC EHR to update the list of plans that your practice bills.Read EDI Responses to Claim Submissions
Your practices receives many different electronic responses to claim submissions and billing. Read this article to learn the different EDI responses, which responses require attention, and how to use PCC's tools to review and respond.- Use the Claims tool to process and submit claims to insurance companies and other payers, work on claims that could not be submitted, and review a log of submissions.
- PCC's insurance billing tools help you process and prepare claims, send them electronically or print them, review rejections and denials, fix problems and resubmit, and work down your insurance accounts receivable. You can maximize the use of your time as you pursue proper insurance reimbursement.
- After you submit claims, your practice will receive clearinghouse and payor acknowledgements as well as ERAs and other electronic notifications from PCC, claim clearinghouses, and payors. You can use tools in PCC EHR to review these responses. When you need to do deeper research, you can use the EDI Reports (
) program. - While most claims are transmitted to payors electronically, sometimes you may need to generate paper 1500 HCFA forms, or print a single paper claim.
- How is a claim created, and what happens in the background to make sure your practice is paid? Read below to learn some of the "under the hood" workings of claims after you post charges into PCC EHR.
Use Contract Fee Schedules (Allowables) to Monitor Reimbursement
PCC can track your contract fee schedules, also known as "allowables", in the Contract Fee Schedule Editor (allowedit). You can create and manage multiple contract rates, make changes to expected fees that will occur after a specific date, and assign the completed contract fee schedules to specific insurance plans. The Post Insurance Payments (pip) program will then display the contracted fee or “Allowed” amount when posting payments for charges pending those insurance plans.Add and Configure Immunizations in PCC EHR
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Configure Order Billing, Diagnoses, and the Bill Window
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PCC EHR Configuration Introduction
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Configure Lab Orders and Lab Tests in PCC EHR
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Configure Diagnoses in PCC EHR
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Submit Immunization Records to Your Registry
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Edit Your Practice’s Procedures, Codes, Adjustments, and Prices
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