Restrict Access to Reports in the PCC EHR Report Library

When you want to limit access to certain report categories to one or more user roles, click the “Manage Categories” button in the Report Library window.

To manage access, select a category and click the “Edit” button, then select one or more roles that should have access to the reports included in the category you selected.

Any user without one of those roles will not see the category in the Report Library window.

Reports Without a Category

If a report is not assigned to a category, then it will appear under All Reports and will be available to any user with access to the Report Library.

To restrict access to that report, you’ll first need to assign it to a category in the Customize Report window.

Restrict Access to Customize Report and Manage Categories

Before 8.11, any user with access to the Report Library could create custom reports and manage categories. Now, access to the Customize Report and Manage Categories tools are controlled like other permissions: through the Roles tab within the User Administration tool.

Users with access to Report Customization can customize existing reports and create new reports. Users without that permission will only be able to run preexisting reports.

Likewise, users without the Manage Categories permission will not see the Manage Categories button on the Report Library window.


  • Last modified: July 23, 2024