Switch to the New Forms Solution in PCC EHR
A new forms solution in PCC EHR empowers you to create and manage your own auto-filling forms, handouts, policies, and letters. With help and guidance from PCC Support, you can switch to the new forms solution when the time is right for your practice. Read more to learn why, when, and how to make the switch.
Early Access Tool: The new forms solution is in an early access testing period in just a few offices. If you are interested in participating in the early access release, please contact PCC Support.
Explore What’s New
Learn about the benefits of the new forms solution in PCC EHR and evaluate your readiness to make the switch.
The Benefits of Switching
Switching to a new way of doing things takes time and preparation, but there are many reasons your practice might want to put in the effort to switch to the new forms solution in PCC EHR.
You should consider switching to the new forms solution if you want:
- More control over the creation and maintenance of your practice’s forms, handouts, policies, and letters in a user-friendly interface
- Fewer back-and-forth emails with PCC Support when you need to make changes to a form
- Smarter functionality for forms that require a signature or include visit-specific data, and
- Better ways to add free text on the fly when generating forms for patients.
Read Create and Manage Forms in PCC EHR to learn more about what you can do in the new forms solution, and speak with PCC Support to learn if the time is right for you to make the switch.
Evaluate Your Readiness
The new forms solution includes early access tools that are still under construction. To learn if the new solution is ready to meet your practice’s needs, contact PCC Support.
PCC Support can explain how the tools work and help you determine whether the time is right for your practice to switch over.
Together, you will explore:
- the functionality of the forms you currently generate in PCC EHR
- whether the new solution can support that existing functionality
- your level of interest in switching to the new solution
- and the amount of time and people power you can devote to the process of switching over.
With these factors in mind, PCC Support will make a recommendation about whether now is the time for your practice to consider switching to the new forms solution.
Make the Switch
Follow these steps when you decide to make the switch to the new forms solution.
Give the Green Light
After the evaluation period, tell PCC Support whether you want to make the switch to the new forms solution. PCC Support will note your interest in activating the new tool and contact you when we are ready to begin your onboarding. When it’s your time to make the switch, PCC Support will actively guide you through the process.
Depending on your current configuration and the amount of time that you and PCC Support have to devote to the transition, the process of switching to the new forms solution can take anywhere from one hour to several months. Work closely with PCC Support to plan the transition at a pace that works for everyone.
Follow PCC’s Pre-Migration Instructions
Based on the evaluation of your current forms configuration and the functionality that is available in the new solution, PCC Support might recommend that you take certain pre-migration steps. Pre-migration steps typically include things like recreating certain forms as PDFs before you migrate to the new tool.
PCC Support Enables Configuration Mode
When the pre-migration steps are complete, PCC Support will enable the new forms solution in Configuration Mode.
In Configuration Mode, PCC Support can migrate your current forms into the new Forms Configuration tool in PCC EHR and you can finish setting them up without interrupting your practice’s existing workflows.
PCC Support Migrates Your Current Forms
After enabling Configuration Mode, PCC Support will migrate your current forms into the Forms Configuration tool. The migration will take into account the functionality that is available in the new solution and might change the appearance or function of some of your forms, all of which PCC Support should make clear to you well before the migration process begins.
Migrated forms retain their protocol mapping, so you can continue to generate them with a single click wherever you have buttons set up for that in PCC EHR. You can learn more about the Forms component and protocol mapping in the article Generate Forms in PCC EHR.
Once PCC Support indicates that your existing forms have been migrated into the new tool, you can set up user access to the Forms Configuration tool and finish configuring your forms.
Set Up User Access
Users need special permission in order to access the Forms Configuration tool. The ability to delete forms within the tool is also protected by a special permission. You can set up these permissions while in Configuration Mode.
Open the User Administration tool in PCC EHR.
On the Roles tab, create a new Forms Configuration role or add the Forms permission to an existing user role.

Follow the same steps to assign the Delete Form permission to users at your practice.
Finish Configuring Your Migrated Forms
After PCC Support migrates your existing forms into the new Forms Configuration tool, it’s up to you to finish configuring them for use.
Open Forms Configuration
Open the Forms Configuration tool.
Check that the Right Forms Were Migrated
Review the list of forms and make sure that those you wanted to migrate are present.
If any of the forms are missing, speak with your contact on PCC Support.
Finish Configuring PDF Forms
Edit the forms that have PDF icons to review and touch up their configuration.
On PDF forms that include user response fields, you can review and edit the prompts that users will see and respond to when they generate the form for patients.
In addition to response prompts, you can configure the names of PDF forms and preview them using real patient data. To learn more about how to work with PDF forms in the Forms Configuration tool, read Create and Manage Forms in PCC EHR.
Recreate Non-PDF Forms Using the Embedded Form Editor
Forms that do not have a PDF icon in the Forms Configuration tool were migrated with only their titles and background protocol mapping and must be recreated in the embedded form editor.
To recreate the forms, edit them in the Forms Configuration tool and use the tools in the form editor to recreate their contents.

At your request, PCC Support can send you copies of the forms that need to be recreated and assist you with the recreation process.
To learn more about how to create and manage forms in the Forms Configuration tool, read Create and Manage Forms in PCC EHR.
Make Your Forms Active
When you have finished configuring your migrated forms, edit them and set their status to active so that other users at your practice will be able to generate them for patients when you finish making the switch to the new forms solution.
You can learn everything there is to know about working in the Forms Configuration tool in the article Create and Manage Forms in PCC EHR.
Complete a Final Check
When you have finished configuring your migrated forms, complete a final check with PCC Support.
The purpose of this check is to make sure that your forms are working properly, that your questions have been answered, and that you are ready to make the final switch to the new forms solution.
PCC Support Enables the New Forms Solution
Tell PCC Support when you are ready to switch your whole practice over to using your newly configured forms.
PCC Support will fully enable the new solution.
Once enabled, the Forms component will stop pointing to your old forms and users at your practice will only be able to generate forms that have been configured in the Forms Configuration tool.
Optionally Revert to the Legacy Solution: If you find that the new forms solution does not work for your practice, PCC Support can disable it and restore your ability to generate forms the old way. This function may also be used to temporarily disable the new forms solution while PCC Support troubleshoots issues that arise with migrated forms.