UC 2024 Videos and Course Materials

In 2024, PCC’s Users’ Conference was held in Denver, Colorado. We celebrated pediatric superheroes!

Around 900 attendees participated both online and in-person in 60+ courses, sessions, and round tables on issues of importance to pediatric practices.

Many sessions were recorded, and where possible we’ve made them available on a PCC UC 2024 playlist and through the links below.

You can review conference details at pcc.com’s UC 2024 page.

Course Descriptions, Slides, and Videos

Course Title Course Description Materials
7 Billing Pitfalls and How to Correct and Avoid Them
This session details certain all too common hazards of revenue cycle management along with specific corrective action to take in order to quickly resolve these problems. Preventative measures are then outlined in order to avoid these vulnerabilities in the future.

Presented By: Heidi Chamberlin

A Doctor and a Coder Walk Into a Phone Booth…
The exact types of expertise needed to really nail documentation and E&M compliance are shared in this entertaining and interactive session. Krekamey Craig, MD shares real encounter examples from her experience as a practicing Pediatrician and Jan Blanchard highlights the coding guardrails around billing for these Primary Care Pediatric services. Come get the best guidance from both of the worlds you must navigate to be paid for all that you do and to *keep* that payment.

Presented By: Jan Blanchard, Krekamey Craig

Are You Charting Like It’s 2024?
If your office has been using PCC EHR for 5 years or more, have you kept your configuration updated to take advantage of the new features in PCC EHR? In this session you will learn how PCC EHR is configured for new PCC practices, from protocols to forms to billing so you can ensure that you are taking advantage of relatively new PCC EHR functionality.

Presented By: Lynne Gratton, Brian Kennedy, Hiral Lavania

Ask Chip
Bring any questions that are still bouncing in your head and Chip will do his best to answer them!

Presented By: Chip Hart

Billing Drop-in — Live from the UC!
Come meet all of your Pediatric Billing peers at this live, in person event modeled on our monthly virtual get togethers. No one knows your work like billing experts! Who better to offer solutions, time savers, shortcuts, tools, and resources than your fellow peers who are also using PCC? This is an opportunity to bring your questions and challenges to peers and experts in a low-key, casual, and friendly face-to-face environment.

Presented By: Jan Blanchard, Kelsey Taveras, Brian Kennedy, Kristen Ryan, Ben Brandt

Building a Practice Where People Want To Work
This client panel will share their experiences with building a practice where people want to work, both literally and figuratively! Join us for a discussion with practice owners (and an architect!) who have built their practice from the ground up, and hear about the architectural choices they made to support the practice culture they believe in, as well as the culture they’ve built to create satisfied employees, and more effectively deliver care to the children of their communities.

Presented By: David Allen, Katie Schafer, Christoph Diasio, Christine Dandeneau, Erin Auer

Building Your CEO Brain
As the profession of pediatrics has evolved, so has the need for pediatric practice owners to change the way they approach running their businesses. “No Margin, No Mission” has been the SOAPM mission statement for some time. Chip will discuss the difference among the employee, owner, and CEO mindsets and how to approach the future of running your practice.

Presented By: Chip Hart

Building Your Practice Budget
Bring together all the financial data points to plan your future! Join Paulie Vanchiere from PMI as he walks you through the steps to create a budget for your practice. Leveraging practical experience, participants will learn what they need to know to properly plan your financial future.

Presented By: Paul Vanchiere

Change Management for Managing Change
Every day in a busy pediatric practice you’re overwhelmed by the number of tactical decisions you need to make. This makes it difficult to think strategically for your practice. How can you ever evolve to become the practice you dreamed of if you don’t have the time or organizational capacity to make the necessary changes? We will review a few simple guidelines that will help your practice make important changes to improve the quality of your care and the success of your practice.

Presented By: Erin Auer

Clinical Oversight Reporting
As a managing physician or practice administrator, do you wonder which clinical reports you should be monitoring regularly to ensure the practice is operating successfully? This session will highlight PCC’s robust reporting capabilities, with a focus on clinical oversight reporting. You will learn how to report on clinical operations related to vaccine inventory, orders, and prescription activity. Discover how to use PCC’s Report Library for preventive and chronic care recall. We will also delve into high-level strategic reporting of clinical measures within PCC’s Dashboard including vaccine rates, well visit rates, screening rates, and more. Discover how a focus on your practice’s clinical health will also translate to financial success.

Presented By: Tim Proctor, Sabina Hasanovich

Do You Work With The Wrong People?
The people who chose to work with and work for you have a profound effect on your career satisfaction, ability to fight burnout, and ultimately the quality and quantity of care you provide children. You have only one run through your career – what can you do to get it right?

Presented By: Chip Hart

Electronic Prior Authorization: The Next Big Thing for PCC eRx
Join PCC’s Dewey Howell, MD, PhD (the creator of PCC eRx!) for an in-depth review of an exciting integration for our prescribing tool: Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA). See a sneak peak of our upcoming changes and provide early feedback. Your input matters!

Presented By: Dewey Howell, MD, PhD

Employee Satisfaction & Retention: An Overview of PCC’s Benefits
Join PCC’s People and Culture Champion Megan Maddocks as she shares an overview of PCC’s unique benefit package and the strategy thereof. This session will also include an opportunity to hear from your peers on the benefit packages in place at their own practice.

Presented By: Grace Kuzmin, Megan Maddocks

Engaging with Your Patients
Learn the proper usage and best practices for PCC’s various messaging and patient engagement tools, including Broadcast Messaging, Send Text, and Notify, among others. Get up to date with all the recent changes, tips, and tricks.

Presented By: Jim Leahy, Chip Hart

Establishing Strong Routines So You Don’t Have to Do it All Yourself
In this session, we will review the role of strong routines in leadership when it comes to delegation. Discover what your routines should look like to ensure you get what you need, and don’t have to fight for it. Learn how to set clear expectations, to hold people accountable, and how to change course if your expectations aren’t being met. We will share real-life examples of how this has worked for others.

Presented By: Emily Floyd

Financial Oversight Reporting
As a managing physician or practice administrator, do you wonder which financial reports you should be monitoring regularly to ensure the practice is operating successfully? This session will highlight PCC’s robust reporting capabilities, with a focus on billing oversight and productivity reporting. You will learn how to do a pricing and payment analysis, and develop an understanding of high-level strategic measures within PCC’s Dashboard product. Discover the numbers that really matter to your practice’s financial health and how to find and track the information you need most.

Presented By: Tim Proctor

From Configuration to Refrigeration: Vaccine Management 101
PCC knows how important vaccines are to the care of pediatric patients. Stop by this session to boost your knowledge of everything required to properly configure your system and manage your vaccine inventory – especially in the ever-changing industry. Immunization super users across PCC will join forces to share best practices around tables, billing, the Vaccine Lot Manager, and much more!

Presented By: Romni Palmer, Brian Kennedy, Jim Smith, Jennifer Perren

From Giving the Shot to Reconciling Lots: Vaccine Administration 201
Now that you’ve tackled the tables, navigated NDCs, and increased your inventory, you’re ready for the next step: the actual administration of the vaccine. Attendees of this course can expect an in-depth exploration of workflow related to administering vaccines, connecting to your state immunization registry, obtaining the perfect school form, and so much more!

Presented By: Romni Palmer, Brian Kennedy, Jim Smith, Jennifer Perren

Front Desk Best Practices
PCC’s Lynne Gratton, CPPM, explores front desk best practices related to scheduling, check-in, insurance verification and copay collection and what has changed as offices work within the pandemic. Understand the importance of the front desk when it comes to your practice’s workflow and collection process.

Presented By: Lynne Gratton

Grow Your Own EDI Superuser
Explore the lifecycle of electronic eligibility requests, claim submissions, and ERA responses. Along the way, you will learn about the underlying transactions (837P, 270 and 271, 835). By the end of this course, you’ll become the EDI superuser your practice needs: you’ll understand how to troubleshoot eligibility issues, decode confusing payor responses, and when to work with PCC.

Presented By: Brian Kennedy

Harnessing the Pediatric Superpower of Curiosity
Inspire pediatric practices to spark hope in their pediatric practice teams by framing challenges through the lens of curiosity.

Presented By: Susan Kressly

Help Us Help You
Communicate with PCC Support for both acute issues and long term practice health. You will learn how to use our learn.pcc.com resources, our Support Portal, and how to receive proactive care via your Client Advocate. You will also learn how PCC structures our support teams, ensuring there are always experts at the ready to answer your software, hardware, or clinical workflow questions.

Presented By: Jerry Wolfenbarger

HIPAA: Securing Your Patients and Practice
This session will review HIPAA basics, take a look at what is on the legislative horizon, and provide education around common security threats.

Presented By: Megan Maddocks

How Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS) Has Changed Pediatric Care
Drawing on the nearly 40 years history of the American Academy of Pediatrics Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS) network, we will draw lessons from the history of how a group of visionaries established PROS, review results of studies that continue to transform pediatric primary care and how to apply results in practice, and highlight opportunities to get involved in the next generation of studies addressing sone of the most salient problems impacting primary care and children’s health. Learning objectives: We will enable participants to: 1. apply lessons from PROS’ founding to address current problems in pediatric care 2. integrate key results from PROS’ studies into their practice 3. participate in building the future evidence base for primary care through PROS research.

Presented By: Alexander Fiks

Improve Your Leadership Through Active Curiosity: The Power of “Huh!”
Curiosity is like an underutilized superpower living right next door to you. When applied in proper ways, it can dramatically improve operations, strategy, collaboration, and problem solving at your practice. In this session, learn how to develop and harness the power of curiosity and apply it in specific ways to positively transform the relations in your practice.

Presented By: Tim Rushford

Insurance Negotiations, a 4 Part Series
Learn how to prepare for and execute a successful negotiation with payors. This four part session will walk you through gathering the data you need and doing the negotiation dance with a payor so that you get paid what you deserve for the care you provide to children. Part 1: Getting Your Data Ducks In a Row. Chip Hart will walk you through the data you need to give yourself the best chance at success when negotiating with insurance companies. There’s nothing more powerful than a pediatrician with data! Part 2: Finally at the Table – Managing Contract Negotiations. What do you do when you’ve got a Payer at the table? Susanne Morgana Brennan will take you step by step through the process of successfully negotiating with an insurance company. It is a long dance and at the end of this session, you’ll know the steps. Part 3: Understanding Business Implications – Navigating Possible Outcomes. Paul Vanchiere will take you through the business implications of your insurance negotiation. In particular, you’ll learn how to analyze an offer from payor and determine its impact on your business. Part 4: Contracting Tips and Tricks – Practice Manager’s Perspective. Kimberly Brennan brings the real-world perspective. As a practice administrator, she’ll give you actionable tools and guidance on creating and maintaining your practice’s payer contracting program. Includes simple Google sheet template to use for contract organization.

Presented By: Susanne Morgana Brennan, Kimberly Brennan, Paul Vanchiere, Chip Hart

Is Your Practice 401(k) Ripping You Off?
Many small practices are overpaying for their 401(k) and you get to keep what you don’t pay for! We will present best practices and describe our 401(k) restructure.

Presented By: Christoph Diasio

Mastering Spreadsheets 101: Enhance Your Data Analysis & Reporting Proficiency!
Unlock the full potential of spreadsheets with ‘Mastering Spreadsheets 101: Enhance Your Data Analysis & Reporting Proficiency!’ This course is tailored to empower you with advanced techniques to automate and optimize your sheets, enabling them to handle the heavy lifting, thus minimizing your manual efforts. Dive deep into strategic ways to make spreadsheets work to your advantage, turning them into powerful tools for insightful reporting and data analysis. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to upgrade your existing skills, this course is designed to elevate your proficiency, ensuring you leverage spreadsheets to their maximum capability.

Presented By: Stephen Moore

New Forms to the Rescue: Featuring Refactorman and His Minions
Join members of PCC’s Forms development team as they walk you through features of PCC’s new forms solution including how to insert variables, response prompts, headers, footers, signatures, columns, margin control, and much more. Learn how to take control over patient form creation at your practice.

Presented By: Tim Proctor, Dan Gillette

Optimizing Lab and Referral Workflows
Are you looking to improve your lab or referral workflows? Join us as we share best practices on using PCC EHR features to manage lab and referral workflows. You will also have the opportunity to hear various strategies that other PCC practices are using to manage their workflows.

Presented By: Lynne Gratton, Nick Meunier

Panel on Incorporating Behavioral Health
This panel will explore the role of mental health and behavioral intervention in the pediatric office. We will discuss care coordination, in-house mental health services, community resources, strategies, and more. Bring your questions and anecdotes.

Presented By: Michael Chamberlin, David Allen, Christoph Diasio, Althea Beagley, Nelson Branco

Patient Pre-Check-In
Are you interested in learning more about PCC’s Pre-Check-In feature and how best to use this at your practice? Are you already using Pre-Check-In and want to learn how others have adopted it at their practice? Join PCC and your peers in a review of PCC’s new Patient Pre-Check-In tool. We’ll discuss the best practices for implementing this tool and managing your accounts to deliver the best possible return on pre-check-in. As part of this course, we’ll also discuss upcoming features and offer you a chance to provide feedback on what you would like to see next in the development of this helpful feature.

Presented By: Jim Leahy, Lee Gaboriault, Althea Beagley

PCC Billing, Now in Technicolor! Post Charges, Payments, Submit Claims, and More in PCC EHR!
Complete your daily billing tasks in PCC EHR! From checking eligibility to working with personal payments, to submitting claims and posting insurance payments, PCC EHR has tools that will empower your billing lifecycle. Leave behind the text-based darkness of yesterday and learn about PCC EHR’s latest features.

Presented By: Ben Brandt

PCC EHR Configuration & Workflow for Pediatric Medical Homes
Patient Centered Medical Home is not just a certificate, it’s actually a concept of care delivery. Learn from industry experts the most effective patient-facing workflows that affect your daily operations.

Presented By: Kate Taylor, Amanda Ciadella

Pre-conference: Advanced Clinical Reporting Workshop
Looking to gain a deeper understanding of how to use the EHR Report Library and Practice Vitals Dashboard for clinical oversight and population management of your practice? Join us for this hands-on, interactive workshop to explore some of the advanced functionality within the EHR Report Library. Your PCC instructors will introduce you to the various data sources within the Report Library. Learn how to manage report permissions as well as how to customize and schedule reports. Come prepared with a laptop enabled with connectivity to your practice. One goal of this session is to create at least one new customized clinical report on your own practice server.

Presented By: Tim Proctor, Jim Leahy

Pre-conference: Advanced Financial Reporting Workshop
Looking to gain a deeper understanding of how to build customized financial reports using PCC’s reporting tools? Join us for this hands-on, interactive workshop to explore some of the advanced functionality within the Smart Report Suite (srs) and Practice Vitals Dashboard. Your PCC instructors will introduce you to report data sources and how to build customized report filters and output to meet your reporting needs. Come prepared with a laptop enabled with connectivity to your practice. One goal of this session is to create at least one new customized report on your own practice server.

Presented By: Tim Proctor, Jim Leahy

Pre-conference: Advanced Roundtable
Join PCC instructors and your peers for a free-flowing discussion of a variety of advanced topics.

Presented By: Lynne Gratton, Ben Brandt

Pre-conference: Beginner Roundtable
Join PCC instructors and your peers for a free-flowing discussion of a variety of introductory topics.

Presented By: Morgan Ellixson Boyea, CPhT, CSPO, Tim Proctor

Pre-conference: Introduction to Practice Vitals Dashboard
As a managing physician or practice administrator, have you ever wondered how your practice is performing with key clinical and financial indicators? This introductory session will provide an overview of PCC’s robust Dashboard reporting capabilities, focusing on measures that will allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of your practice.

Presented By: Tim Proctor

Pre-conference: Optimal Billing Workflows
Establishing a consistent and efficient process for Accounts Receivable investigation is vital to your practice’s success. In this course we will explore how to establish successful billing processes and how to use PCC tools, reports, and recommended workflows for quickly identifying billing issues when they arise (or even before they arise), ultimately helping you to improve the financial health of your practice.

Presented By: Ben Brandt

Pre-conference: Optimize Billing Configuration in PCC EHR
In this session you will learn how to customize billing and table configuration to reflect the unique characteristics of your practice. Learn how insurance, procedure, and payment configuration can be optimized to meet the reporting and billing workflow needs of your practice.

Presented By: Ben Brandt

Pre-conference: PCC eRx 101: Prescribing Fundamentals
Are you brand new to prescribing with PCC eRx? Or simply want a review of the fundamentals? Join PCC’s Morgan Ellixson-Boyea, CPhT, CSPO for an in-depth tour of our prescribing software including dedicated time for questions. This course is designed for beginners, but anyone interested in learning more about PCC eRx is welcome to join us.

Presented By: Morgan Ellixson Boyea, CPhT, CSPO

Pre-conference: PCC eRx 201: Beyond the Basics & Advanced Configuration
Are you eager to enhance your experience with PCC eRx? Stop by our advanced session to learn about powerful configuration options and optimize prescribing for your office. PCC’s Morgan Ellixson-Boyea, CPhT, CSPO will guide you through a variety of time-saving customizations – both personal and office-wide. If you create prescriptions in PCC eRx, or assist someone who does – this session is for you! Note – some configuration options are only available for users with eRx Administration privileges.

Presented By: Morgan Ellixson Boyea, CPhT, CSPO

Pre-conference: Protocol Work Session
When did you last give yourself time to look at your protocols and update them? Come hang out with some of the PCC’s Ensure Success team to review and plan how to update your protocols, making charting easier for you *and* your staff. We will take a look at a few protocols we’ve seen new clients create to get you thinking outside the box.

Presented By: Lynne Gratton, Nick Meunier, Nicole Broderick, Jennifer Perren

Pre-conference: Tour of the EHR
Join your PCC tour guide as we journey around the EHR visiting familiar places such as the appointment book and protocol configuration tool. We’ll discuss scheduling workflow, templates, and other schedule configuration aspects. We’ll review how to configure protocols, components, clinical alerts, and much more.

Presented By: Nick Meunier

Problem Solving by the Numbers
Physician owners and practice administrators must be well-versed in critical thinking skills to run a successful and viable practice. In this session, attendees will learn the methods that successful owners and managers use to guide their decisions and will discuss real-life examples of how these abilities can be applied for solving problems. Attendees will leave this session with a better understanding of how numbers should inform their day-to-day practice operations.

Presented By: Katrina Skinner

Show Me the Money! How to Generate and Save It In Private Practice
We work for the love of the children, but private practice margins for pediatricians can be tight. In this session, we’ll share areas of commonly missed existing revenue, ways to add new revenue, and where to look to save on expenses.

Presented By: Karina Horton

The Dreaded Frequent Patient Complaints in Billing
Patient complaints are bound to happen and there is a good chance we will never live in a world where you can make everyone happy all the time, however, recognizing the most frequent complaints from patients regarding their billing can put you one step ahead. In this session you will hear the most common issues we frequently field during a call with a disgruntled patient’s family and the tried and true proven responses we have used to smooth over even the most frustrated patients.

Presented By: Heidi Chamberlin

The Evolution of Pediatric Medical Homes
Medical homes are not a new concept in the realm of pediatrics. Let’s explore what the future holds for pediatricians seeking a formal medical home accreditation process; while actually improving health outcomes for their patients and cultivating a fulfilling work environment for staff.

Presented By: Alicia Adams, Amanda Ciadella

The Happiness League: Supercharging Employee Joy & Fulfillment in the Pediatric Office
In this captivating and dynamic talk, we dive into the exciting world of superheroes to explore the secrets of employee engagement and building a thriving office culture. Drawing inspiration from iconic characters and their extraordinary abilities, we unlock the superhero mindset necessary to create an environment that fosters high levels of engagement and productivity. Discover how to unleash the superpowers of your employees through effective communication, recognition, and empowerment strategies. Learn how to inspire and motivate your team, just like superheroes inspire hope and save the day. We’ll delve into the importance of trust, collaboration, and diversity in crafting a workplace culture that celebrates individual strengths and promotes a sense of belonging.

Presented By: Katie Schafer

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Gap-Year Students and Private Practice
It has always been difficult to find capable and reliable staff and it has gotten harder since COVID. This Session will talk about how to look for and hire gap-year students (those who are looking to apply to medical, nursing, PA school or residency) in place of traditional staff. Gap-year students are often more motivated and committed as they know this experience will strengthen their application therefore building a symbiotic relationship between the students and private practice.

Presented By: Eliza Varadi

Understanding NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Annual Reporting Changes
Join our PCMH super heroes to learn insider knowledge of the 2024 and 2025 NCQA PCMH Annual Reporting changes, and how to implement these changes with effective workflows.

Presented By: Kate Taylor, Amanda Ciadella

Unleash the Power of PCC EHR and CHADIS Integration
During this session, you’ll gain valuable insights, tried-and-tested strategies, and practical tips to maximize the effectiveness of your CHADIS integration. We’ll dive into various topics such as enhancing patient portal engagement, efficiently managing questionnaire follow-ups, adjusting CHADIS screening assignments, and much more. Bring your questions and suggestions to enrich the discussion. While the primary audience is existing users of the PCC-CHADIS integration, if you are in the process of integrating or just considering, we expect you will also find this session useful.

Presented By: Sasha Pavlovic

Value Based Payment Enablers – Past, Present and Future
The value based payment ecosystem has evolved to not only include care delivery providers and organizations but also “provider enablement entities.” These entities partner with providers to assist in the transition to value, and share responsibility for cost and quality outcomes. This presentation will explore the growth on VBP Enablers, current trends and the future landscape.

Presented By: Greg Barabell

What’s New/What’s Next
Product and service highlights since the last UC. The presentation also includes a roadmap review of what is coming.

Presented By: Morgan Ellixson Boyea, CPhT, CSPO, Tim Proctor, Lynne Gratton, Kelsey Taveras, Tori Wonderlick, Dan Gillette, Mark Hurne, Owen Leavey, Jerry Wolfenbarger, Kate Taylor, Sasha Pavlovic, Althea Beagley, Jennifer Marsala

What’s Next for PCC eRx
Join PCC’s Morgan Ellixson-Boyea, CPhT, CSPO for a sneak peek into the next year of development for PCC eRx. In addition, you’ll hear about recent bug fixes and improvements, learn new tips & tricks, as well as cast your vote for future enhancements of PCC eRx! Session will also include open Q&A.

Presented By: Morgan Ellixson Boyea, CPhT, CSPO

Who’s Next? Succession Planning for Pediatric Practices
While the career-long issue of planning for retirement has a global importance for the independent pediatrician, the specific details of planning for a successor to take over control of a practice are far more focused. Not only do these decisions involve financial questions, but, perhaps more than any other management issue, they involve social, personal, psychological and emotional issues. This session will highlight some of these issues, and suggest ways that a clear approach to them can make the handover of one of the pediatrician’s most significant assets smoother and less fraught with angst.

Presented By: Jesse Hackell

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility – Using AI with PCC EHR
Join us to hear how PCC EHR users are leveraging AI in their workflows. Our discussion includes insights from PCC clients on practical applications, challenges, and the impact of AI in their patient care and decision-making. As we explore the evolving intersection of PCC EHR and AI, learn about their approach to safely and securely leveraging these technologies to enhance their workflows.

Presented By: Brian Birch, Sharlene Matthieu, David Allen, Jolie Lavigne

  • Last modified: February 27, 2025