PCC EHR User Administration

The articles in this help section include important information on managing user accounts in PCC EHR.

Partner System Administration?: The articles below are specific to PCC EHR, but many technical issues cross between PCC EHR and Partner. You can also read Partner User Administration.

Contact PCC Support at 802-846-8177 or 800-722-7708 or support@pcc.com for further assistance.

Training Videos

Get Started

  • Add a New PCC User Account

    Follow the procedure below to add a PCC EHR user.
  • Change Passwords and Other User Account Settings

    Follow the procedure below to change a user's PCC EHR password or name, lock out a user, or unlock a locked user.
  • Troubleshooting Slowness in PCC EHR

    There’s a wide range of causes for software slowing down- some that you may be able to deal with on your own, and some that PCC Support can help you with, and some that our Development Group may need to investigate and resolve. Either way, there’s a few things you can check out before calling PCC that will either resolve the issue for you, or help PCC find and fix them cause.

Learn More

  • Install and Configure PCC EHR on a New Computer

    PCC EHR runs on a large server at your practice or in the cloud. A small software program, called the "client" software, runs on each of your Windows PCs, or MacOS workstations. How do you install the client software on a new laptop or desktop so it can connect to PCC EHR?
  • Update PCC EHR on Your Computer

    If the PCC EHR client software on your PC, Macintosh, or Linux device is not up to date, the login window will tell you.
  • Emergency Access Mode

    PCC EHR has an Emergency Access mode which allows specified users to have access to features that would otherwise be locked. You can set who should have Emergency Access permission by granting the permission to any user role in the User Administration tool.
  • Set User Roles for Permissions and Security

    You can use the User Administration tool to define permissions and account attributes for the PCC EHR users at your practice. First, run the User Administration tool to define user roles. Then, assign one or more roles to each user account. Read below to learn more.
  • Steps to Take When a Clinician Leaves the Practice

    When a provider leaves your practice, there are certain steps that you should take to turn off their access to your PCC system, handle outstanding tasks and prescriptions, and remove them from your practice's day-to-day workflow.
  • Review Chat Logs in PCC EHR

    The Chat Message Log records your saff’s usage of PCC EHR’s Chat messages, so you can review communication between your team members and investigate policy violations. Owing to PCC EHR’s chat potentially containing sensitive information, the Chat Log report is a separate permission from the Audit Log in PCC’s User Administration tool. To access the […]
  • Authorize Users for PCC SecureConnect

    Authorize or bar users from accessing your office remotely through PCC SecureConnect and reset the pairing with whichever device is in use for two-factor authentication.