Edit Charges and Encounter Claim Information

After you enter charge and encounter information and Post Charges, you can review a patient's billing history in their chart.

When you need to change the responsible party for an encounter or alter encounter information that appears on a claim (such as diagnoses or a claim delay reason), use Edit Charges feature in the Billing History in the patient's chart.

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Learn More

  • Change the Service Provider or Billing Provider After Charges are Posted

    You may need to assign a billing provider to an encounter after it has been posted. Use the Edit Charges in the patient's Billing History to make changes.
  • Enter and Review Encounter Billing Notes

    As you bill for an encounter or troubleshoot problems with a claim, you can keep encounter-specific notes that are attached to the billing history of the encounter.
  • Add an Attachment Code to a Claim

    If a secondary insurance requires the EOB from the primary, or any claim requires a certificate of medical necessity, discharge summary, or other clinical documentation, you need to send an attachment to the payor. You can edit the encounter and add an attachment code to an encounter, generate a unique attachment ID, and specify the attachment type and method. Attachment information will then be sent with the electronic claim.
  • Change an Encounter’s Billing Place of Service After Posting Charges

    You can adjust an encounter’s place of service when you post charges. Sometimes you need to change the place of service of an encounter after the charges have already been posted. Select the encounter in the Billing History in the patient’s chart. Then click “Edit Charges”. Next, edit the encounter’s location, or any other information […]
  • Change the Copay Due on a Charge After Charges are Posted

    Learn how to change the copay due on a charge. You may need to do this after charges have been posted and a claim has been filed.