Edit Encounter Charges and Resubmit Claims
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Edit Encounter Charges and Resubmit Claims (6 min • 2025-01)
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Use Billing History in a patient's chart to review an encounter's billing details, edit encounter charges and claim information, and queue up a new claim.
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- Here are some related articles in Billing and Practice Management > Post Charges and Bill for an Encounter > Billing and Practice Management > Edit Charges and Encounter Claim Information:
Edit Encounter Charges and Other Claim Information and Resubmit a Claim
Use the Edit Charges feature in the Billing History in a patient's chart if you need to edit diagnoses, procedures, or other encounter or claim information. For example, you can change the place of service, the provider of service, responsible party for each charge, copay amount due, billing provider, and other information. After you make changes, you can queue up a new claim.Read EDI Responses to Claim Submissions
Your practices receives many different electronic responses to claim submissions and billing. Read this article to learn the different EDI responses, which responses require attention, and how to use PCC's tools to review and respond.- After you submit claims, your practice will receive clearinghouse and payor acknowledgements as well as ERAs and other electronic notifications from PCC, claim clearinghouses, and payors. You can use tools in PCC EHR to review these responses. When you need to do deeper research, you can use the EDI Reports (
) program. - Use the Claims tool to process and submit claims to insurance companies and other payers, work on claims that could not be submitted, and review a log of submissions.
Change the Service Provider or Billing Provider After Charges are Posted
You may need to assign a billing provider to an encounter after it has been posted. Use the Edit Charges in the patient's Billing History to make changes.- If you post a payment and later discover the procedure or payment was a mistake, you may need to "relink" the payment to different procedure.
Change the Copay and Responsible Party for Posted Charges
You can change the responsible payor for any charge on any encounter, and change the portion of the charge that is the copay.Review Posted Charges In Daily Check
The Daily Check program (dailycheck
) lists all the visits posted on a single day or range of days. The report includes every diagnosis, procedure, amount charged and payment posted. Usedailycheck
to review a day's postings.Enter and Review Encounter Billing Notes
As you bill for an encounter or troubleshoot problems with a claim, you can keep encounter-specific notes that are attached to the billing history of the encounter.Add an Attachment Code to a Claim
If a secondary insurance requires the EOB from the primary, or any claim requires a certificate of medical necessity, discharge summary, or other clinical documentation, you need to send an attachment to the payor. You can edit the encounter and add an attachment code to an encounter, generate a unique attachment ID, and specify the attachment type and method. Attachment information will then be sent with the electronic claim.- Use this new user training outline to learn how to complete billing tasks in PCC.
Reconcile Personal Payments and Prove Out at the End of the Day
You can quickly and easily reconcile personal payments that your practice has posted in PCC EHR. Run the Payment Reconciliation report in order to prove out, checking against your cash drawer and records at the end of the day or the end of your shift.- As you post charges and queue up a claim for an encounter, you can review and update patient and encounter information, double-check the linking and codes that the clinician selected, and post payments.
- Watch this video to learn how to review encounter information and post charges for an appointment in PCC EHR.
Schedule, Chart, and Bill a Telemedicine Visit
Learn how to schedule, chart and bill a telemedicine visit with PCC.Bill for Phone Encounters and Portal Messages
After you complete a phone note or portal message thread in PCC EHR, you can bill for the encounter right in PCC EHR.Change an Encounter’s Billing Place of Service After Posting Charges
You can adjust an encounter’s place of service when you post charges. Sometimes you need to change the place of service of an encounter after the charges have already been posted. Select the encounter in the Billing History in the patient’s chart. Then click “Edit Charges”. Next, edit the encounter’s location, or any other information […]Configure Post Charges in PCC EHR
Read this article to learn about configuration options and implementation recommendations for the Post Charges features in PCC EHR.Find Encounter Charges That Need to Be Posted
Use the Schedule and Messaging queues in PCC EHR, along with the Encounters by Billing Status Report, to ensure that your practice has posted charges for every encounter.Post Administrative Fees Without an Appointment
Learn how to post a forms fee or any other administrative charge that could occur outside the context of an appointment.- Read this procedure to learn how to create a hospital encounter on a patient's chart, post hospital diagnoses and charges, adjust claim information, and queue up a claim.
Review an Encounter’s Billing History
Use the Billing History in a patient's chart to see full details of what was billed for an encounter, what payments were collected, when claims were sent, acknowledged, and received, and more.- Learn how to post a forms fee or any other administrative charge that could occur outside the context of an appointment.
Work with a Patient’s Billing History
You can review all of a patient's billable encounters in the Billing History section of a patient's chart.- Learn how to post charges for a hospital encounter in PCC EHR.
- Prepare and submit claims. Then work on any claims that were stuck and couldn't be submitted.
Edit Your Practice’s Procedures, Codes, Adjustments, and Prices
Use the Tables tool in PCC EHR to adjust your practices billing codes, prices, and more.Edit Your Practice’s Procedures, Codes, Adjustments, and Prices
When you need to add a new billing code to your PCC system, create a new version of a code that includes modifiers, or adjust your practice’s prices for procedures or adjustment types, use the Tables tool in the Configuration menu.Change the Copay Due on a Charge After Charges are Posted
Learn how to change the copay due on a charge. You may need to do this after charges have been posted and a claim has been filed.Configure Claim Holds and Claim Delay
Watch this video to learn how to hold claims for specific providers, locations, or plans and how to configure your practice's claim delay.Configure Claim Holds and Claim Delay
When your practice needs to prevent certain claims from being submitted, you can create a claim hold. A claim hold prevents claims from going out for specific dates of service, billing providers, places of service, and insurance plans. You can also configure your practice’s claim delay, which prevents any claim from going out until a certain number of days after the date of service.Account Notes and Encounter Billing Notes
Learn how to enter and review account notes and encounter billing notes in PCC EHR.Work on Claim Errors and Rejections
After you prepare and submit claims, you must deal with claims that could not be submitted or were rejected.Track Billing and Signing Status on the Schedule
Use the Billing and Signing columns on the Schedule screen to understand which encounters need to be billed.Claim Processing and Needs Correction Error Reference
What kinds of pre-submission processing does your PCC system do on claims? What errors can it find, and how do you fix them?