Edit Charges and Encounter Claim Information

After you enter charge and encounter information and Post Charges, you can review a patient's billing history in their chart, and work with payments using tools in PCC EHR.

When you need to change the responsible party for an encounter or alter encounter information that appears on a claim (such as diagnoses or prior authorization numbers), use the Correct Mistakes (oops) tool in the Practice Management window.

Training Videos

  • Edit Encounter Charge Information and Generate a New Claim

    15 minutes • 2008
    Use the Correct Mistakes (oops) program to review an account's charge history, adjust the responsible party for a charge, change charge and encounter information, resubmit claims, and link or unlink payments. Correct Mistakes is part of PCC's under-the-hood Practice Management window (Partner).

Get Started

  • Change the Responsible Party and Copay for Charges

    Your practice can adjust the responsible party for a charge and edit copay amounts when you Post Charges in PCC EHR. If you find out the patient's policy has changed, you can edit the charges later in Correct Mistakes (oops), found in the Practice Management window. You can change the responsible payor for any charge on any encounter, and change the portion of the charge that is the copay.

Learn More

  • Change Diagnoses, Hospital, or Other Claim Information After Charges Are Posted

    If you need to update the diagnosis, hospital, or other visit information for a visit, follow the procedure below. Remember that you will also need to rebatch (or reprint) the insurance claim when you are finished.
  • Assign a Billing Provider After Charges are Posted

    You may need to assign a billing provider to a charge or a visit after it has been posted. You can change the billing provider for a previously-posted charge on the Visit Status screen in the Correct Mistakes (oops) program.
  • Adjust Charge Details and Claim History (Correct Mistakes)

    When you need to fix charge and claim details, change the responsible party for an encounter, or alter encounter information that appears on a claim (such as diagnoses or prior authorization numbers), use the Correct Mistakes tool in the Practice Management window. After you make changes, you can resubmit claims. You can also use oops to research the billing and payment history for each encounter on an account.
  • Unlink and Relink a Payment

    If you post a payment and later discover the procedure or payment was a mistake, you may need to "relink" the payment to different procedure.
  • Edit an Encounter’s Diagnoses, Billing Provider, and Other Claim Information

    Your practice can enter a diagnoses, adjust the billing provider, and add other claim information when you Post Charges in PCC EHR. If you need to make changes later (and resubmit a claim), use the Visit Status screens in Correct Mistakes (oops) in the Practice Management window. You can change diagnoses, the billing provider, and adjust other important encounter information for a charge.
  • Enter and Review Encounter Visit Notes

    You can add and review visit notes for an encounter in Correct Mistakes (oops).
  • Add an Attachment Code to a Claim

    If a secondary insurance requires the EOB from the primary, or any claim requires a certificate of medical necessity, discharge summary, or other clinical documentation, you can add attachment codes to a visit’s charges, generate a unique attachment ID, and specify the attachment type and method.
  • Change an Encounter’s Billing Place of Service After Posting Charges

    You can adjust an encounter’s place of service when you Post Charges in PCC EHR. Sometimes you need to change the billing place of service of an encounter after the charges have already been posted. Read below to learn how to change the billing place of service of a phone note, portal message, or visit […]
  • Change the Copay Due on a Charge After Charges are Posted

    Learn how to change the copay due on a charge. You may need to do this after charges have been posted and a claim has been filed.