Recall Overdue Patients for Well or Chronic Condition Visits
The best and easiest way to recall patients who are overdue for their well or chronic condition visit in PCC EHR is to run the Preventive Care Recall report or the Chronic Condition Recall report.
Open The Report Library
Open the Patient Recall Section
Open the Preventive Care Recall or Chronic Condition Recall Report

Select Criteria and Run The Report
The Preventive Care Recall report gives you many options for tailoring your recall list. Some criteria you will likely want to set include:
- Use the Exclude Patient Flag criteria to exclude patients who are deceased, have transferred, have been dismissed, or are otherwise no longer at your practice.
- Use the Exclude by Account Flag criteria to exclude patients whose accounts are inactive.
Set the Physical Due criteria to match the time frame you expect to be scheduling for. If you’re already scheduled for 3 months out, setting this to “All Past Dates Through Next 90 Days” will give you a list of patients that includes patients who will be due for their physicals at the time your schedule is open.
You’ll want to exclude patients who already have a physical scheduled, so use the Exclude by Scheduled Appointment criteria to remove those patients from this list.
It’s likely that running the report with just these criteria set will still leave you with an unmanageable recall list. You might further refine this list in various ways:
- Focus on a specific age range. Maybe you want to focus on kids who will need vaccines before they start kindergarten, so you run this for patients who are 4-5 years old. Or you could run a list of 10 year olds so you can get them in for their HPV vaccination.
- If your list is still too long, you might choose to recall patients with a specific insurance carrier.
Print or Export the Report
Once you’ve got a list of a manageable size, you use this report to recall patients.
For example, you could adjust report output to include columns for patient contact (phone, address, etc). You could also use Broadcast Messaging to send text and email messages to all patients on the list.
Contact PCC Support: Would you like help setting up the perfect criteria for your recall… and saving those criteria as a custom report? Do you want to explore options for exporting and sending messages? Call PCC Support for help!