Canceling and Rescheduling CHADIS Appointments and Moving CHADIS Results

When your patients and families complete CHADIS questionnaires,the results are automatically assigned to the patient’s upcoming visit. Canceling a visit will also cancel those orders, making CHADIS results unavailable in the patient’s history or in a newly scheduled visit. Use the following workflow and suggestions to ensure that assigned and completed questionnaires are saved and available in a patient’s chart.

Whenever possible, reschedule an appointment instead of canceling it. Rescheduling maintains the same appointment data, so completed CHADIS questionnaires are moved to the new date along with any other information added to the visit where it was originally scheduled.

If an appointment with CHADIS results needs to be canceled, or will be rescheduled for a future date yet to be determined, cancel the appointment. When the time comes to schedule the replacement appointment, restore the appointment through the patient’s appointment history, and then reschedule it as above.

Rescheduled visits are not counted as canceled visits. If you want to mark a visit as “canceled by patient”, but still move the CHADIS results to a replacement appointment, then reschedule the visit with the CHADIS questionnaire, as above, and then create a new visit for the original time and date, and cancel that one. The canceled and the rescheduled visit will appear in the patient history, with the earlier one marked as canceled.

Other tips

  • Any appointment scheduled for the following seven days could include CHADIS results, so be sure to check for results before canceling any appointments in the near future.
  • CHADIS results will trigger the orange ball in the patient’s history and the EHR schedule queue, but there’s no way to tell that results have arrived in the Appointment Book, so it’s best to manage cancellations and rescheduling through the Appointment History component in the patient’s Medical Summary.
  • If an appointment with CHADIS results is canceled instead of rescheduled, there’s no way to move that data to another appointment. The only option is to print the results to the EHR then attach the document to the new appointment.
  • CHADIS will not reassign the same questionnaires to a patient twice within a number of days, (usually 14, though that can be changed through the CHADIS web interface). If an appointment with CHADIS results is canceled, and a new appointment is scheduled outside of that date range, then CHADIS will reassign the questionnaires and the user will need to complete them again.

Move CHADIS Results to a Different Encounter

When a patient misses or cancels an appointment after completing CHADIS questionnaires, you can move those CHADIS results and orders to another encounter, so that no results are lost, and no users need to repeat any questionnaires.

When viewing a visit that includes CHADIS orders and results, select “Move CHADIS Results” from the Edit menu.  Move CHADIS Results opens a window with a drop-down menu including the patient’s visits and the option to create a new Unsolicited Chadis Results encounter.


After making your selection and clicking move, you’ll have the opportunity to confirm your choice, or click “Back” to return to the previous visit selection window.

Once you confirm your selection by clicking “Move” the orders and results will appear in the visit you selected.


  • Last modified: August 3, 2023