
The Medication History panel, on the Medical Summary screen, displays prescription information and medication history.

All active medications appear at the top of the list. Within active medications, prescriptions are sorted by the original date prescribed.

If you wish, you can limit the Medication History to show only Active (or inactive) medications.

PCC EHR will remember your preference across all charts.

Add Medications

Use the Prescriptions section of a patient’s chart to create new prescriptions or record medication information.

Your Office Only: The Medication History panel only displays medications prescribed or recorded on the Prescriptions screen in PCC EHR. In the Prescriptions section of a patient’s chart (PCC eRx), you can also display prescriptions from hospitals or other practices, if they were entered in a SureScripts partner network. You can then use PCC eRx to import those records into PCC EHR.

Indicate Patient Takes No Medications

Visit the Prescriptions screen and select “Patient Takes No Medications” to enter that information into the patient’s record.

Use this indicator on a patient’s chart to make it clear you have reviewed medication history. This is especially important if you are attempting to meet Meaningful Use requirements or wish to apply for the ARRA incentive. A blank Medication History is not the same as indicating “Patient Takes No Medications”.

  • Last modified: August 3, 2015