Review Personal Account Balances

Use the Account Balances component to review account balance totals and the details of all charges with a personal amount due.

Unpaid balances are broken down into Personal, Insurance, and Medicaid charges. They are aged across aging categories (0-29 days, 30-59 days, etc.), with the total personal balance due displayed in red.

Click the disclosure triangle to view a summary of the charges that have an outstanding personal (non-insurance) balance.

To print a copy for the patient or family, click Print.

In addition to balance details, the printout includes your practice’s information as well as the date it was generated.

Where Can I Find the Account Balances Component?: The Account Balances component appears in Patient Details (while scheduling), Patient Check-In, the Payments tool, Post Charges, and the Demographics section of the chart. Your practice can add the component to any protocol or ribbon in PCC EHR where it would be useful for your practice.

The Collection Report (coll)

PCC’s previous software suite includes the Collection Report (coll), which explains an account’s current balance and recent payment history. You can run coll for a particular account by pressing F3Collection Report while in the Family Editor (fame).

On the criteria screen, you can select report output destination, choose to include only certain sections of the report, and enter a date range of payments to display. Press F1Process Report to create the report.

The report includes the following sections:

  • Account Info: The first section of the report contains simple demographic information, including the account name, address and phone numbers, as well as some key dates (date of last visit, last bill sent, last personal payment made, and last insurance payment made.) If you use the “Hold Bill Till” and “Budget Amount” functions of the Family Editor (fame), you will see information about those settings in this section of the report.

  • Aging Summaries: The coll report shows you different ways of aging an account’s outstanding personal charges. Balances are first aged by Payor Responsibility Date, and then by Transaction Date.

    Payor Responsibility is different in that it will age items based on when the amount became personal, instead of aging strictly from the date of service. Within each category, amounts are shown for balances that are overdue 30, 60, 90, and 120 days.

  • Outstanding Charges: The report contains a list of currently unpaid, personal charges. This section makes it especially easy to explain an account’s balance to someone over the phone.

    Each unpaid charge includes the patient’s name, the diagnoses and procedures of the visit, and three columns to indicate how much was originally charged, how much is due to the personal account, and how much is still pending an insurance company.

  • Totals, Recent Payments, and Summary: At the bottom of the coll report, you can see the total of unpaid charges along with a summary of recent payments.

    Accounts that are working to pay off an old balance should show regular payments.

  • Last modified: June 11, 2024