Review Personal Account Balances
Use the Account Balances component to review account balance totals and the details of all charges with a personal amount due.
Unpaid balances are broken down into Personal, Insurance, and Medicaid charges. They are aged across aging categories (0-29 days, 30-59 days, etc.), with the total personal balance due displayed in red.
Click the disclosure triangle to view a summary of the charges that have an outstanding personal (non-insurance) balance.

To print a copy for the patient or family, click Print.

In addition to balance details, the printout includes your practice’s information as well as the date it was generated.
Where Can I Find the Account Balances Component?: The Account Balances component appears in Patient Details (while scheduling), Patient Check-In, the Payments tool, Post Charges, and the Demographics section of the chart. Your practice can add the component to any protocol or ribbon in PCC EHR where it would be useful for your practice.