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Medical Summary Component Reference
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Recent and Upcoming Appointments
The Recent and Upcoming Appointments component, which can appear on the Medical Summary, Phone Notes, or any chart note, displays important information about a patient's appointments at your practice. -
Use the Reminders box on the Medical Summary screen to note important patient issues that everyone who opens the chart should see.
The Siblings component includes a list of patient siblings and a button for opening their chart. It can appear on the Medical Summary, Phone Notes, or any chart note.
Confidential Notes and Other Confidential Fields
Use the Confidential Information section on the Medical Summary screen to note private patient issues that should be hidden during casual chart review. -
Use the Family Medical History component to chart medical history for family members.
History and Custom Note Fields
The Medical, Family, and Social History components store and display relevant patient history. These chart-wide components can appear on the Medical Summary, Phone Notes, or any chart note protocol. -
The Medication History panel, on the Medical Summary screen, displays prescription information and medication history.
The patient Problem List is a list of patient issues. These items can be based on any diagnosis. On the Medical Summary screen, you can add or remove problems, and rearrange problems. The Problem List makes prominent patient issues clear to anyone who opens the chart.