Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments
When a payor sends you an ERA or EOB, you can automatically post most payments and adjustments and then address unusual responses manually.
Training Videos
Process an ERA in PCC EHR and automatically post payments and adjustments. -
Reverse an Insurance Payment (Post a Takeback)
When an insurance company or other payer reverses a payment, also called a "takeback", use PCC EHR's Insurance Payments tool to quickly reverse the payment and post the new adjudication information for the claim. -
Manually Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments
Learn how to manually post insurance payments and adjustments in PCC. Along the way, you can change the copay due on a charge and use PCC EHR's components to work with policies, demographics, and account notes. After posting, you can review payment histories and edit or delete the payments. -
When you need to review the insurance company's full response to a claim submission, how do you open and work with the ERA 835 file in PCC? -
Learn how to record capitation payments, incentive payment, insurance interest payments, withhold payments, and overpayments in PCC EHR. -
When you need to review the insurance company's full response to a claim submission, how do you open and work with the ERA 835 file in PCC?
Get Started
After a payor reviews your electronic claim, they will send your practice an explanation of what charges are paid, adjusted, or denied.
Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments
Automatically post ERAs sent to your practice. If a payor's response requires direct attention (or you receive a paper EOB), you can manually post the payments and adjustments.
Learn More
Every insurance claim in your PCC system has a unique identification number. The number appears in various reports and programs, and you can use it to improve claim tracking and payment posting.
Reverse an Insurance Payment (Post a Takeback)
When you receive an insurance payment reversal or "takeback" from a payor, you can post it automatically or manually. -
When insurance carriers send payment and adjustment information, either on an EOB or an ERA, they often include a code with a small message. These codes are known as CARC values, or Claim Adjustment Reason Codes, and they are an industry-wide standard.
Post Capitation Checks, Incentive Payments, Interest Payments, Overpayments, and Withhold Payments
Learn how to record capitation checks, incentive payments, insurance interest payments, payment amounts that exceed the amount due on a charge ("Overpayments"), and end-of-year withhold payments -
Use the Electronic Remittance Advice tool in PCC EHR to read any ERA on your system and review the adjudication for a claim.
Review and Prove Out Insurance Payments by Check Number
Your practice can reconcile posted insurance payments with two different reports in the Report Library.