AAP Resources: Pediatric Coding Newsletter, Red Book, and More
PCC offers our clients access to a number of resources from the AAP, including the Pediatric Coding Newsletter, Patient Education (including Schmitt, TIPP, and more), and the AAP Red Book.
PCC practices can access these resources can be found in two places: through a PCC Community to the AAP website and from within PCC EHR.
PCC EHR Also Includes Bright Futures Resources and Customization Options: In addition to the AAP resources listed below, PCC EHR includes optional Bright Futures chart note protocols and periodicity guidance. For more information, see Bright Futures in PCC.
AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter
A monthly publication that provides practical and accurate answers to your most urgent pediatric coding questions. As a PCC client, you have access not to the current issue and the entire AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter archive.
AAP Red Book Online
This is the online version of the AAP’s Red Book, a comprehensive reference on pediatric infectious diseases.
Pediatric Patient Education
The Pediatric Patient Education section of the AAP website contains a collection of handouts and information built specifically for pediatric patients and families, most available in Spanish as well as English. Handouts include Schmitt Pedatric Care Advice, TIPP, VIS, and more.
Access AAP publications through PCC EHR
Use the Patient Education tool in PCC EHR to access all three of these resources (and more).

For a complete guide on how to use Patient Education inside PCC EHR, read Find and Share Patient Education and Handouts.
Access AAP publications through PCC Community
You can access AAP resources by logging into PCC Community and following an authorization link to the AAP website.
First, visit the PCC Community website and log in. For information about registering for PCC Community, read, PCC Community: The Home of PCCTalk.
If the welcome message is hidden, click “Show Message”.

Next, click “Access the newsletter” to visit the AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter. Because of your PCC Community login, you will have access to all the AAP resources described above.
You will see PCC’s logo on the site, indicating you are logged in through PCC. You can click to access the AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter, the AAP Pediatric Redbook, and the AAP’s library of educational materials for patients.
Print the AAP Coding Newsletter: You can print out any issue of the AAP Coding Newsletter. First, log into PCC Community and use the instructions above to follow the link to the AAP’s website. Next, click on any story from the issue. Finally, click on the “PDF” link to download the entire issue to your computer. You can read the newsletter on your computer screen or print it.