Read the Pulse: PCC’s Newsfeed
The Pulse is a source of news and information for PCC clients. We use The Pulse to share information about our upcoming software releases, trainings, conferences, events and web labs, as well as pediatric news and industry information. We also announce PCC office closings and holidays.
Who Should Read the Pulse?
Any clinician, office manager, or pediatric staff member who wants to stay abreast of changes to their PCC system or software, learn about new releases or features, or find out about PCC events and other educational opportunities.
How Do I Read the Pulse?
To read the Pulse, click the “News” button in the lower-right corner of your PCC EHR window.

Articles appear with a list of headlines on the left-hand side of the window. Important and time-sensitive items will stick to the top of the news feed.
Vital Communication Tool: At least 1-2 people from your office should review The Pulse daily, as this is the main channel of communication PCC uses to share information about our software, products, and services. In the event of a service interruption or software problem, PCC will send an emergency message to everyone who receives The Pulse.
Can I Read the Pulse Online Instead?
You can also read the Pulse online here: PCC Pulse: Your Source For All Things PCC.
Contact PCC Support for password information.
You can also read updates on PCC Community, an online web forum.
Can PCC Email Me Updates and Important News Instead?
PCC sends periodic updates to a mailing list of our clients. Contact PCC Support to subscribe.
Newsletter Archives
If you missed a news item, have a question, or would like to check a past issue of the Pulse, contact PCC Support. We’ll help you find all the PCC news or information you’re looking for.