Update Your PCC Email Preferences
PCC reaches out to one or more folks at your office via email, and PCC services (like the online PCC Community) have optional email notifications.
If your practice has a new Office Manager, or you get a new email address, how do you update the ways that PCC contacts you? How do you set your preferences for different kinds of email communication from PCC?
Set Email Preferences for PCC Updates and Announcements
PCC sends information about software updates, disruptions to services, news about important issues facing pediatricians, and more to an email mailing list.
PCC recommends that at least one person at your practice sign up for these emails, such as an Office Manager or managing provider. We are careful to limit how many emails we send, and you can set which types of email messages you receive. These emails are sent from the pccmarketing@pcc.com address.
Subscribe: To subscribe to PCC updates and announcements, call 802-846-8177 or 800-722-7708 or send an email to support@pcc.com.
Change Your Email Address: To change the email address you use to read PCC communication, send an email to support@pcc.com to subscribe your new email address. Then, in your old email address account, use the Unsubscribe link from the bottom of an email from PCC.
Unsubscribe or Change What Messages You Receive: To change your email preferences or the address that you use, click on a link to “Manage Preferences” or “Update your email preferences” found at the bottom of an email from PCC.
You can find links to unsubscribe or change email preferences at the bottom of emails from PCC.
When you click a link to manage preferences, you can indicate whether you would still like to receive emails about PCC EHR and Company News, Pediatric Resources, the Pediatric Insights Blog, The Independent Pediatrician, Job Notifications, and emails from PCC Sales.

Click the “Update email preferences” button at the bottom to save your changes.
Set Email Preferences for PCC Community and PCC Talk
PCC Community is an online forum where you can ask questions of other pediatric practices and learn about important issues in pediatrics. It’s also a place where you can get caught up on PCC news, blogs, and announcements. Learn more by reading the PCC Community help article.
PCC Community can automatically send you email notifications about new posts, or digests collecting the new posts since you last visited.
Sign Up: To sign up for PCC Community, which can include email updates, see the instructions in the PCC Community help article.
Unsubscribe, Change Email Address or Change What Messages You Receive: To change your email preferences for PCC Community, see the instructions in the “How do I adjust my email settings and other user preferences?” and “Can I redirect PCC Community messages to a different email address?” questions in the PCC Community help article.
Change Email and Contact Information for Individual Communication from PCC
PCC Support sometimes needs to email your practice directly about support issues, software update migration, and other issues.
PCC keeps a list of contacts for your practice, with corresponding emails and phone numbers.
To change who PCC should contact, or to change the email address or phone number they should use, call 802-846-8177 or 800-722-7708 or email support@pcc.com.