Prepare for a PCC Software Update

When a software update for PCC is ready for your office, what should you do to prepare?

Learn About the New Features Ahead of Time

With every software release, PCC answers client requests and implements new features and tools that can improve your office workflow and save you time. You should review the new software feature list and arrange for your staff to attend a training web lab, when needed.

Review Important Update Configuration or Workflow Considerations

Some new tools or features in PCC EHR require configuration, or may make your office’s workflow faster and easier. When there are significant configuration or software usage changes, PCC publishes a Migration Considerations document.

Tell Your Doctors and Other Staff

Once PCC schedules your update, inform all of your PCC EHR users. The PCC EHR login screen helps you out the week before the update by notifying all users that an update is coming.

Remind users to log out on the date of the update and encourage them to review the “Details” link on the login screen, which points to the PCC Release article.

Notify Your System Administrator and/or Third-Party IT Consultant

Does your practice have a local system administrator, or contract with a local IT professional, to update and service your PCs? Do you implement an office-wide network, not monitored and updated by PCC, which requires administrative permissions to make changes? Contact appropriate entities so that they know a PCC update is coming.

Log Out of All EHR Logins, Close the Login Window

The evening before your PCC EHR update, be sure and visit all the computers that log in to PCC EHR and log out, completely closing the login window.

PCC recommends that all users log out of PCC EHR and close the login window whenever they are not working.PCC cannot update your software if you are not logged out. The PCC EHR application must be closed.

After the Update: Review New Options, Work with PCC Support

Once your update is complete, you may wish to return to the PCC Release and Migration Considerations documents and implement the recommended configuration changes.

Remember that PCC Support (, 802-846-8177 or 800-722-7708) can help you review your setup and work with you to optimize your PCC EHR work environment.

  • Last modified: June 18, 2024