Practice Management Program Name Index

PCC’s previous product suite “Partner” was a collection of individual programs. The programs all had a single-word name for easy reference.

This document is a glossary of the old program names, with brief descriptions of their function.

Deprecated: In most cases, the programs or tools list below have been replaced by a modern solution in PCC EHR. Contact PCC Support for help finding the right tool for your office’s needs.

The Insurance Activity Summary (activity) provides a quick review of all activity for each insurance group for any date range. Because activity displays the number of visits and charges, you can quickly see which companies make up the largest part of your business. Since payments per visit are also on the report, you can use activity to begin evaluating which companies are paying you well and which are paying you poorly.
The Add Blocks (addblock) program adds a single block to the Partner schedule for a given date, provider, block type, and time range. Use addblock to quickly block a specific time from a provider’s schedule. You can also review existing blocks, read block notes and remove blocks from within addblock.
The Insurance Accounts Receivable Summary (insaging) shows an aged summary of your practice’s outstanding charges broken down by insurance group. Use it to see which carriers owe you the most money and how old those balances are. insaging is also a quick way to see your total A/R, and it can help you determine which insurance carriers need special attention. The report lists the percentages of your A/R for which each insurance group is responsible.
Autopost Insurance Payments (autopip) automatically processed and posted adjudication from ERAs sent to your practice. This functionality has been replaced by the Electronic Remittance Advice tool in PCC EHR. See Post Insurance Payments.
AniTa was a Windows program that some clients used to connect directly to PCC practice management tools before PCC EHR. TeraTerm was an older program used for the same purpose. PCC did not write AniTa or TeraTerm. These tools have been replaced by Practice Management in PCC EHR.
The Appointment Summarizer (appts) is a powerful scheduling analysis report. In appts, you can list appointments by a variety of criteria and subtotal by provider, visit reason, and other items.
The A/R Days (ardays) report ages your accounts receivable and shows the number of days of work outstanding in each aging category. ardays can tell you, for example, how many days of your accounts receivable are over 90 days old.

Partner can automatically mark patients who haven’t visited recently as “Inactive”. Partner can also automatically add any other status flag based on any set of criteria available in the Patient Recaller (recaller). You can work with your PCC account team to create up to six sets of unique criteria for assigning status flags. Later, you can use autoflaglog to see what flags were assigned to patients. Contact PCC Support for help configuring autoflag.

When your practice uses autoflag, you can review which patients were marked as Inactive with the autoflaglog program. After you run autoflaglog and enter a date range, you will see a list of all patients who received the Inactive flag.
The backups program makes backups of your PCC Server. Backups occur every night, automatically, either into a cloud backup service or onto a local backup tape. You can run backups manually if you need to create an additional backup or if the nightly backup failed.
The bills program generates personal bills.
The bump program lists overlapping appointments for any given day.
The byins report lists all insurance plans by their insurance group. Insurance groups are important because many financial reports use them. Use byins to review your insurance groups and find problems, then make changes to the groups in the Tables tool in PCC EHR.
The byproc report lists all procedures by their procedure group. Procedure groups are used by various reports. Use byproc to review your procedure groups and find problems, then make changes to the groups in the Tables tool in PCC EHR.
The byprov report lists all of your providers sorted by provider group. Provider groups are used by several programs and reports. Use byprov to review your provider groups and find problems, then make changes to the groups in the Tables tool in PCC EHR.
The Capitated Plan Member Report (caprep) provides usage numbers which can help you evaluate the pros and cons of a capitated plan.
The Configuration Editor (ced) contains lists of questions that control the behavior of some PCC programs.
The Special Accounts Editor (cfs) generates an interactive list of accounts. The available lists are based on your office’s status flags or one of several built in criteria, such as overdue accounts or accounts with credits.
The Appointment Book Displayer (chart) was written to help users pull charts. It displays a single provider’s appointments for a single day without showing spaces for available appointments. chart is usually shorter than the scan report, making it easier to read and print.
The Patient Checkin (checkin) program is a Practice Management program used to confirm or update a patient’s demographic, insurance, and balance information. It has been replaced by Patient Check-In in PCC EHR.
checkout (formerly chuck)
The Checkout program (checkout) is a Practice Management program used to posts procedures, diagnoses, payment, and accompanying claim information. It has been replaced by Post Charges in PCC EHR.
chuck -d
The chuck -d command runs a report that displays all of the charge-posting screen data and HCFA configuration data for your system. If there are any apparent errors, the word “ERROR” will appear in the report’s output. When you run chuck -d, you can use the pipe symbol to send the output to less. At a command prompt, type “chuck -d | less”. This will prevent the report’s text from scrolling off your screen.
The Collection Report (coll) shows detailed information about outstanding charges for a single account. Basic demographic information and payments for any date range are also available in the report. coll can also display all payments from a family during a certain time period, such as a full tax year. The Collection Report has been replaced by the Encounters with Outstanding Personal Balances function available during Patient Check-In, in the Payments tool, and in other screens in PCC EHR.
The Consistent Sick Call Blocker (cscb) places multiple blocks in Partner’s schedule according to a specified date range and list of providers. cscb works from block template files that must be edited before running the program.
The Charge Screen Editor (csedit) allows you to configure which diagnoses and procedures appear on the charge posting screen in checkout, the charge posting tool found in Practice Management. You can link custom lists of procedures and diagnoses to different locations, providers, and visit reasons.
The Current Immunization (curimms) report and the Epidemic Prevention (epidemic report both check for missing immunizations. The curimms report output can be added to any encounter form and will show you if your system does not have a record for a specific immunization for the patient. The epidemic program can be run on an entire age group and will list all patients who do not have immunization records that meet your system’s configurable immunization standards.
The Immunization CVX Configuration Reports (cvxreport) program lists your practice’s immunizations and diseases, along with the CVX codes currently assigned in your Immunization and Disease table. When you have a CVX code assigned to an immunization, the report also displays that code’s official CDC name. Use this report to get a quick look at your configuration and spot any immunizations with missing or incorrect CVX codes.
The Daily Check program (dailycheck) lists all visits posted on a single day and includes every diagnosis, procedure, amount charged and payment posted. Use dailycheck to review a day’s postings and compare them against the encounter forms. Many office managers run dailycheck every evening or early the following morning.
The Daysheet report shows all charges, payments, and adjustments for any date range or a single day. If problems arise while balancing out at the end of a day, the daysheet report can help reveal why. Every entry includes the poster’s username. The report includes erased or “oops-ed” items, and there are many useful sorting and subtotal options.
The deposit report lists all cash, check, and charge payments posted on a single day or date range. Check deposit against your cash drawer at the end of the day or the end of a shift. Each item includes the username of the person who posted the payment. This report has many powerful sort and subtotal options.

The Daysheet Scan (dsscan) lets you view all daysheet entries for one particular account. You can see every charge, payment, or adjustment that was posted or deleted on the account, along with the user who performed the action. dsscan is useful when a charge is posted by one user and deleted by another user, or when the account or deposit report is difficult to understand.
The Duplicate Account/Patient Report (duplicates) shows all accounts and patients that have a duplicate entry in Partner. If your office frequently adds a new account or patient when they should be editing an old one, duplicates can help you clean up the double entries.
The Submit Electronic Bills (ebs) program runs the bills program for electronic personal billing. ebs sends your personal bills to a company that prints and mails them for you. You must have a contract with the company before you can run this program.
The ECS Submission (ECS) program, along with the preptags program, were used to process and submit your insurance claims electronically. They have been replaced by Submit Claims in PCC EHR.
The ecsreports program displays electronic claim submission reports, ebills reports, and electronic remittance advice (ERAs). The program displays incoming reports by date and includes a category view and various search features for finding and working with old reports. Run ecsreports when you need to find out why a claim was rejected or need proof of timely filing. A full catalog and explanation of the reports inside ecsreports is available in the EDI Reports ([prog]ecsreports[/prog]) manual.


The Eligibility (elig) program displays patient insurance eligibility. Use the program to view a list of appointments and their accompanying eligibility information, request an eligibility update, or make notes or set a status about eligibility. While using the program, you can also contact the patient’s family and update insurance information.
The Epidemic Prevention program (epidemic) creates a list of children who are missing a specified immunization. The output is based on your immunization configuration and patient records, so a review of your configuration and patient records is essential before running the program. See also: currimms.
The Extended Sick Call Blocker (escb) places blocks in Partner’s schedule based on a selected date, time range, and provider. Use escb to add extra blocks, of any type or size, for a certain week.
The Family Editor (fame) manages account information. Run fame to update family demographics, add a new insurance policy to an existing account, or add a new account to Partner. From within fame, you can also review a billing summary, run a collection report, or review an account’s transaction history.
The Advanced Find Routines (findem) allow you to find and list patients by a wide range of criteria. For example, you can use findem to find patients by insurance certificate number, home address, or immunization lot number.
The full report displays an abbreviated daily schedule for several providers, side-by-side. Along with the time and provider, the report lists the length of each appointment, the patient’s first initial and last name, and the visit reason.
The HCFA Form Generation program (hcfa) prints paper insurance claims.
The HMO report generates an age distribution for each primary-care physician for any of your practice’s insurance groups. Run hmo to find out how many patients under five years old have BCBS and Dr. Smith as their primary care physician. The same information is available in the recaller, but hmo lists all physicians for all age ranges in a single report, and includes subtotals.
The immcheck report will list all of the details surrounding immunization and physical configuration at your office. When you run immcheck, you should use the pipe symbol to send the output to less. At a command prompt, type “immcheck | less”. This will prevent the report’s text from scrolling off your screen.
The Immunization Record (imms) stores an immunization record for every patient. Run imms to review immunizations or print an immunization record.
The Immunization Registration (immsreg) sends your patient immunization records to a state or commercial immunization registry.
The Scheduler’s inquire program displays a list of any patient’s appointments. You can review a patient’s appointment history, see details about upcoming appointments, and cancel or reschedule any appointment.
The Insurance Accounts Receivable Summary (insaging) shows an aged summary of your practice’s outstanding charges broken down by insurance group. Use it to see which carriers owe you the most money and how old those balances are. insaging is also a quick way to see your total A/R, and it can help you determine which insurance carriers need special attention. The report lists the percentages of your A/R for which each insurance group is responsible.
The Insurance Accounts Receivable Detail (inscoar) report provides a detailed, charge-by-charge accounts receivable report for your insurance companies. Use inscoar to find unpaid insurance charges and to work on old, overdue charges. You can also run inscoar interactively, allowing you to jump into different programs and research or modify charge information while viewing the report.
The Insurance Company Work Sheet (inscows) program generated a worksheet for planning the behaviors of a new insurance plan. The worksheet helped a user visualize which procedures would require a copay, appear on a claim, be adjusted off at time of service, and so forth. As PCC Support now handles the creation of custom insurance configuration files (“Special Information Files”), they no longer use this worksheet with practices.
The Insurance Company Reimbursement Analysis (ira) produces a number of different reports with a wide range of customizable options. You can use ira to show procedure and charge activity for an entire year, compare the work done by different providers, evaluate the reimbursement levels of different insurance companies, and track payment of individual charges. With powerful subtotal and criteria options, ira is a catch-all report that can answer many important questions when you are making financial decisions for your practice.
The Lab Work Database (lab) stores lab orders, prints lab order forms, and records lab results.
The List Account/Patients By Insurance (listins) report produces lists based on insurance plan effective dates for any plan or group of plans. Use listins to find all patients who have a particular insurance plan during a specified date range.
Resubmit HCFA Forms (maketags) is an insurance billing program that finds and rebatches large groups of unpaid or paid claims. After running maketags, you can send the batched claims using ECS or hcfa.
The ministats report produces a break-down of your practice income for a given date range. How much money did you receive from credit card payments? How much did Aetna pay you last month? What was the total of all personal checks for 2005? ministats can answer those questions and more.
The Nurses Immunization (nimms) program adds immunizations to a patient’s record. The advantage of nimms over imms is that you can add multiple immunizations quickly while adding provider and immunization lot information.


The Patient Notification Center(notify) is a configuration tool for creating one-time or recurring notifications for appointment reminders, patient recall, and other purposes. After creating a notification, Partner automatically contacts patients by phone, text, or email.
The Patient Editor (notjane) manages patient information. Run notjane to update patient information, view an immunization record, research visit history, or read about a patient’s major diagnoses and allergies.
The Correct Mistakes program (oops) can make changes to posted procedures, including the insurance status and many visit details that appear on a claim. Use oops to change a procedure’s diagnoses or add a resubmission number.
The Daily Corrections Log (oopslog) can help you research daily activity in the oops program. If you are having trouble understanding what happened with various charges or payments, the oopslog can show you a complete record of all activity in the oops program for any day.
The Open/Unlinked Payments (openpmts) report lists credits and payments that are not linked to a specific charge. Partner automatically applies unlinked payments towards each account’s balance, but payments are difficult to locate or understand if they are not linked. openpmts can be subtotaled in various ways to help you clean up accounts with unlinked payments.
The Post Regular Payments (pam) program, posts personal payments or adjustments to an account. pam can quickly post a stack of checks or a single co-pay.
Within the Patient History report (patinfo) are the Visit History report and the Diagnosis History report. The Visit History includes a section with major diagnoses and a section that lists each visit date along with the provider, diagnoses, and procedures for that date. The Diagnosis History shows each diagnosis that has been posted for the patient and lists each date that diagnosis was given.
Phone Encounter Notes (pen) records and reports on phone calls. Nurses can use pen to record details of a phone call and jump into scheduling or a patient’s record. Providers can later review and process flagged phone calls using pen‘s interactive reporting features.
The Personal Money Tracking Assistant (persview) is an interactive report for managing accounts with outstanding personal balances. Use persview to manage personal billing. You can limit persview to show families that are extremely overdue or who owe more than a specific amount. From persview‘s output, you can mail bills or form letters for one or many accounts. You can also jump directly into other programs for more information about an account on the report.
The previous Post Insurance Payments program (pip) was used to manually post insurance payments and adjustments. It has been replaced by Insurance Payments in PCC EHR.
The Appointment Book Displayer by Location (pnpscan) shows scheduled appointments for one or more providers and can be limited to a specific location.
The policy program was used to manage an account’s insurance information. It was available directly from the Practice Management interface as well as in checkin, fame, or checkout. It has been replaced by the policy component in PCC EHR.
The policylog program displays a log of all changes made to a patient’s insurance policy records. If an insurance policy was accidentally deleted or edited, you can use policylog to review what changes were made. You can run policylog from within the policy program or from a command prompt.

The prenc program, also called the “Print Encounter Forms” program, was used in Partner to print encounter forms for the day. It has been replaced by the Print Visit Forms tools in PCC EHR.
The prepare program recompiles your schedule with new hours. Whenever you make changes to a provider’s hours in profile, you must run prepare for them to take effect.
The preptags program prepares insurance claims that are waiting to be submitted and runs the ECS program.
printpatstats and specstats
The Print Patient Statistics (printpatstats) program generates a series of printed charts on demographic data such as sex and age distribution. While this information is available in other reports, some prefer the visual representation of printpatstats. Run specstats to use the recaller screens to limit the patients included in the report.

If you would like to see a comparison chart of patient age but want to exclude patients who have left your practice, run specstats and use the recaller screens to exclude various patients. After you are finished making criteria selections, printpatstats will run automatically.

The Provider Profile Machine (profile) sets the work hours for each provider. Run profile when you need to edit providers’ IN and OUT times. You can have more than one “profile” or set of work hours.
The Provider ID Editor (provids) allows you to override providers’ standard ID numbers submitted with insurance claims.
The prscprint report will show every provider’s in and out times for a given date or date range. When you are configuring multiple providers’ schedules and need a quick view of who is in and out of the office, prscprint is a quick and easy reference.
The Partner Windows (ra) is a collection of pick-lists for running different Partner Programs. New Partner users use the ra windows to find and run Partner Programs. Most Partner users see the ra program automatically when they log in. The alternative to using ra is to run programs from a command prompt.
The Patient Recaller (recaller) builds patient or account lists based on a wide range of criteria. In addition to producing customizable lists, the recaller can generate form letters and address labels.

Use recaller to recall patients for physicals, find patients who received a certain procedure, list patients based on a status flag, generate appointment reminder postcards, review a list of patients with asthma diagnoses, or view patients who have a particular insurance plan. You can mix and match these and other options and modify the report output to include information about the patient or their account(s).

Referral (referral) records referral information, tracks referrals for each patient, and generates referral forms and referral reports.
Post Refunds (refund) posts refunds, account adjustments, and penalty fees. Items posted in refund behave similarly to charges posted in checkout. For example, you can link a payment or a credit to a refund, and each refund type can be found in the procedure table in ted.
The Remove Sick Call Blocks (rmscb) program removes blocks of any type based on a date range and provider list. Run rmscb to remove lots of blocks from your schedule at once.
The Rolodex (rolo) is a basic address list storage program. It can manage many different rolodex lists for different purposes and includes a basic search function.
The Scheduling Appointment Minder (sam) schedules appointments for patients.
The Appointment Book Displayer (scan) displays the day’s schedule for one or more providers. In scan, you can flip through the days of your schedule using the right and left arrow keys.

PCC can customize the information shown in the scan report. Along with normal schedule information, it could show you who scheduled each appointment and the date the appointment was made.

The Provider Schedule (scrod) program tells Partner which days providers work and which days they are off. scrod is a calendar on which you configure a provider to work their regular hours, work a special profile, work other “strange” hours, or go on vacation.
See printpatstats.
The squish report displays an abbreviated schedule for any provider for an entire week. The report lists each visit reason, the length of the appointment, and the patient’s name.
The Smart Report Suite (srs) is a report library in Partner. srs contains dozens of powerful, customizable reports, all run with a consistent interface.
The Account History Report (tater) provides a complete history of all transactions on an account. tater reports on all charges, payments, refunds, and other transactions. Use tater to track a running balance or produce a detailed financial report on a family.
TeraTerm is a Windows program that connects a PC computer to Partner. You run all Partner programs by first running TeraTerm and logging into Partner. AniTa is a newer program used for the same purpose. PCC did not write AniTa or TeraTerm.
The Table Editor (ted) contains a list of lists used by Partner. It was replaced by the Tables tool in PCC EHR in 2025.
The Tickler Module (tickle) is an automatic email reminder program. Use tickle to create reminders or messages about patients and accounts that will be delivered at a later date to a specified email account. Some offices use a list of tickle messages as a cancelation list for appointments.
The twomonths report sends a calendar-style schedule directly to your default Partner printer. You can run the twomonths report from a command prompt.
The User Administration (useradmin) program adds or locks-out Partner users, changes passwords, and modifies permission lists for some Partner functions.
The Insurance Utilization (utilize) report shows you all of the patients who visited during a given date range and had a certain insurance carrier as their primary payor. For example, utilize shows you who your Aetna patients were last year, how many times they visited, and how much was charged to them.
The Friendly Form Letter Editor, waffle, makes changes to Partner’s form letters. Use waffle to modify existing form letters or create new ones.

  • Last modified: February 12, 2025