Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments

When a payor sends you an ERA or EOB, you can automatically post most payments and adjustments and then manually address unusual responses.

Training Videos

  • Autopost ERAs in PCC EHR

    6 min • 2024-09
    Process an ERA in PCC EHR and automatically post payments and adjustments.
  • Reverse an Insurance Payment (Post a Takeback)

    5.5 min • 2023-10
    When an insurance company or other payer reverses a payment, also called a "takeback", use PCC EHR's Insurance Payments tool to quickly reverse the payment and post the new adjudication information for the claim.
  • Manually Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments

    13.5 min • 2023-10
    Learn how to manually post insurance payments and adjustments in PCC. Along the way, you can change the copay due on a charge and use PCC EHR's components to work with policies, demographics, and account notes. After posting, you can review payment histories and edit or delete the payments.
  • Post Less-Common Payments

    6.5 min • 2024-02
    Learn how to record capitation payments, incentive payment, insurance interest payments, withhold payments, and overpayments in PCC EHR.
  • Read ERA 835s from Payors

    8.5 • 2024-02
    When you need to review the insurance company's full response to a claim submission, how do you open and work with the ERA 835 file in PCC?

Get Started

  • Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments

    Automatically post ERAs sent to your practice. If a payor's response requires direct attention (or you receive a paper EOB), you can manually post the payments and adjustments.
  • ERAs and EOBs with PCC

    After a payor reviews your electronic claim, they will send your practice an explanation of what charges are paid, adjusted, or denied.

Learn More

  • CARC and RARC Values in PCC

    When insurance carriers send payment and adjustment information, either on an EOB or an ERA, they often include a code with a small message. These codes are known as CARC values, or Claim Adjustment Reason Codes, and they are an industry-wide standard.
  • What is a Claim ID Number?

    Every insurance claim in your PCC system has a unique identification number. The number appears in various reports and programs, and you can use it to improve claim tracking and payment posting.
  • Reverse an Insurance Payment (Post a Takeback)

    From time to time, insurance companies will ask you to reimburse them for an overpayment. Sometimes, the company will ask you to send them a refund check. Sometimes, they will underpay you for more recent charges in order to make up for the overpayment on an old charge.
  • Post Capitation Checks, Incentive Payments, Interest Payments, Overpayments, and Withhold Payments

    Learn how to record capitation checks, incentive payments, insurance interest payments, payment amounts that exceed the amount due on a charge ("Overpayments"), and end-of-year withhold payments
  • Read ERA 835s from Payors

    Use the Electronic Remittance Advice tool in PCC EHR to read any ERA on your system and review the adjudication for a claim.
  • Review and Prove Out Insurance Payments by Check Number

    Your practice can reconcile posted insurance payments with two different reports in the Report Library.