Review Your PCMH Measures and Performance on a Dashboard
The PCMH dashboard page contains all of the PCC Practice Vitals Dashboard measures that relate to NCQA’s 2017 PCMH standards. You can use this page to monitor your performance toward meeting specific elements and factors. You can also print this page to share the data with staff and providers and for submission to NCQA as part of your application for PCMH recognition.
To view your PCMH Dashboard page, log in to the Practice Vitals Dashboard and click the PCMH tab on the menu.

The dashboard is organized by PCMH elements and factors, making it straightforward to apply this data to PCMH recognition.
For more information, click on a measure to view a complete dashboard on just that measure.

Some of the factors on this page can be met by choosing measures listed in drop-down menus.

Printing: Some web browsers have trouble printing this page. If you cannot get it to print successfully, try right-clicking on the page and look for an option to “view frame” or “print frame”.
PCC Does Even More for PCMH: In addition to the reports in your Practice Vitals Dashboard, PCC’s software and services include many other features and reports that help you apply for PCMH. Read more about becoming a Patient Centered Medical Home.