Configure Billing Functions
Read the help articles in this section to learn about configuring billing functions.
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Edit Your Practice’s Procedures, Codes, Adjustments, and Prices
Use the Tables tool in PCC EHR to adjust your practices billing codes, prices, and more.
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Edit Your Practice’s Configuration Tables
Tables are lists in your PCC system. For example, your practice's system has a list of insurance policies, clinicians, visit reasons, billing procedures, and more. Use the Tables tool in PCC EHR when you need to add a new billing code, a new insurance plan, a new payment type, or other new item to a table. You can use the Tables tool to make configuration changes that improve the accuracy of your reporting. -
Edit Your Practice’s Procedures, Codes, Adjustments, and Prices
When you need to add a new billing code to your PCC system, create a new version of a code that includes modifiers, or adjust your practice’s prices for procedures or adjustment types, use the Tables tool in the Configuration menu.
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Choose Your Practice Management Printer
Your office may have a front-desk printer for receipts, a chart room printer for encounter forms, and a back office printer for everything else. When you log in, you may have printer needs that are particular for you, or particular for where you are working today. -
Configure Order Billing, Diagnoses, and the Bill Window
Use the Billing Configuration tool to configure billing behaviors of procedures and diagnoses and the Billing screen in PCC EHR. Follow the procedures below to open the Billing Configuration tool and make changes. -
The snomedmap program is a collection of custom reports that you can use to understand the relationship between the clinical SNOMED-CT and billing ICD-10 diagnosis code sets you use on your PCC system.
Configure PCC EHR for Telemedicine Encounters
Learn how to configure PCC EHR for telemedicine encounters. -
Configure Post Charges in PCC EHR
Read this article to learn about configuration options and implementation recommendations for the Post Charges features in PCC EHR. - Configure Providers
Add and Configure a New Clinician in your PCC System
Read this article to learn how to set up a new clinician in PCC EHR. -
Update Clinician Names, Taxonomy Codes, NPIs, and Tax IDs
Every insurance carrier requires the same clinician information for each claim: a name, a taxonomy code, a National Provider Identifier, and a Tax Identification number. Follow the procedure below to enter or update this information in Partner.
- Add and Configure Insurance Companies
Edit the Insurance Plans On Your PCC System
Use the Tables tool in the Configuration menu in PCC EHR to update the list of plans that your practice bills. -
Use Contract Fee Schedules (Allowables) to Monitor Reimbursement
You can use PCC to track your payor contract fee schedule amounts, also known as "allowables" or the "allowed amount" for each procedure. Then, when autoposting insurance payments, you can review any responses on the ERA that did not match the fee schedule. When you manually post insurance payments, you can see whether or not the payment amount you enter matches the fee schedule. Later, you can report on whether or not payors are honoring their contracts. -
Edit the Insurance Plans on Your PCC System
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