Demographic, Clinical, and Configuration Reports in Practice Management

The PCC EHR Report Library includes an ever-growing library of powerful, customizable demographic and clinical reports. You can also find powerful oversight data and benchmarks in the Practice Vitals Dashboard tool.

This article is a catalog of reports for demographics, diagnoses and procedures, and system configuration that are found in the PCC’s previous software suite, available in the Practice Management window in PCC EHR.

Get the Report You Need: PCC software can produce custom reports to your specifications. If you do not find what you are looking for, contact PCC Support for help creating a report with the information your office needs.

Demographic, Clerical, and Recaller Reports in Practice Management

When you need patient or account statistics or a list of patients based on a specific set of criteria, the demographic reports below will help. These reports can be used for long-term strategic planning, recalling patients for physicals, and understanding patient age distribution at your practice.


The Patient Recaller (recaller) builds patient or account lists based on a wide range of criteria. In addition to producing customizable lists, the recaller can generate form letters and address labels.

Use recaller to recall patients for physicals, find patients who received a certain procedure, list patients based on a status flag, generate appointment reminder postcards, review a list of patients with asthma diagnoses, or view patients who have a particular insurance plan. You can mix and match these and other options and modify the report output to include information about the patient or their account(s).


The Special Accounts Editor (cfs) generates an interactive list of accounts. The available lists are based on your office’s status flags or one of several built in criteria, such as overdue accounts or accounts with credits.


The List Account/Patients By Insurance (listins) report produces lists based on insurance plan effective dates for any plan or group of plans. Use listins to find all patients who have a particular insurance plan during a specified date range.


The HMO report generates an age distribution for each primary-care physician for any of your practice’s insurance groups. Run hmo to find out how many patients under five years old have BCBS and Dr. Smith as their primary care physician. The same information is available in the recaller, but hmo lists all physicians for all age ranges in a single report, and includes subtotals.

printpatstats and specstats

The Print Patient Statistics (printpatstats) program generates a series of printed charts on demographic data such as sex and age distribution. While this information is available in other reports, some prefer the visual representation of printpatstats. Run specstats to use the recaller screens to limit the patients included in the report.

If you would like to see a comparison chart of patient age but want to exclude patients who have left your practice, run specstats and use the recaller screens to exclude various patients. After you are finished making criteria selections, printpatstats will run automatically.


The Duplicate Account/Patient Report (duplicates) shows all accounts and patients that have a duplicate entry in Partner. If your office frequently adds a new account or patient when they should be editing an old one, duplicates can help you clean up the double entries.

srs: Patient Demographic and Policy Reports

The Smart Report Suite (srs) has a category for demographic reports, including patient count and insurance policy reports. You can restrict the reports by a wide range of criteria.

Procedure, Diagnosis and Order Reports in Practice Management

The Practice Management (Partner) tool includes a number of reports that you can use to review billed diagnoses and procedures. While not based on charted, clinical data, these reports could help your practice meet clinical goals.


Within the patient-specific Patient History report (patinfo) are the Visit History report and the Diagnosis History report. The Visit History includes a section with major diagnoses and a section that lists each visit date along with the provider, diagnoses, and procedures for that date. The Diagnosis History shows each diagnosis that has been posted for the patient and lists each date that diagnosis was given.


The Advanced Find Routines (findem) allow you to find and list patients by a wide range of criteria. For example, you can use findem to find patients by insurance certificate number, home address, or immunization lot number.


The Patient Recaller (recaller) is a patient list-maker that can also produce form letters and other documents. The Recaller has several clinical uses, such as finding patients with certain billed diagnoses, or in certain age-groups, and informing them that they should come in for a flu shot. The recaller can show you a list all of your asthma patients in a certain age range, all current patients who are overdue for a physical, or all patients from a certain city that had a flu shot last year. The list can be formatted to include any patient information or used to generate form letters. Call PCC for help with the recaller.

curimms and epidemic

The Current Immunization (curimms) report and the Epidemic Prevention (epidemic report both check for missing immunizations based on billed data. The curimms report output can be added to a paper forms and will show you if your system does not have a billing record for a specific immunization for the patient. The epidemic program can be run on an entire age group and will list all patients who do not have immunization records that meet your system’s configurable immunization standards. For a more powerful tool with better output, see the Overdue Vaccine Recall report.

For help configuring and running curimms or epidemic, contact PCC support.


The Review Phone Encounters report, located in the Phone Encounter Notes (pen) program, reports on triaged phone calls at your practice. This report is only useful for practices that use the text-based pen. With pen‘s review report, you can list and make changes to phone encounter notes based on status or user. For example, you could review phone notes regarding a prescription or notes that were taken by a particular user.


The Referral Statistics Report (refreport) sorts and displays patient referrals. This report is only useful for practices that use Partner’s text-based referral module. The report shows all open referrals.


The Review Lab History report, located in the text-based Partner lab program, reports on a single patient’s lab history. This report is only useful for practices that use PCC’s lab module. Review Lab History shows all labs for a specified date range and can be restricted based on provider and other criteria.

srs: Clinical Reports

The Smart Report Suite, located in the Practice Management tool, contains a Clinical Reports section. It includes reports on visit trends, procedures performed, and well/sick visit ratios. srs‘s reports also break down diagnoses made by procedures performed.

Practice Management Configuration Reports

If you are the Partner System Administrator for your office, you may need to organize insurance and provider groups, change which procedures and diagnoses appear on charge screens, and resolve problems with immunization configuration. PCC’s support team can help you with all of these tasks, but the reports below may help you resolve the problem yourself.


The byins report lists all insurance plans by their insurance group. Insurance groups are important because many financial reports use them. Use byins to review your insurance groups and find problems, then make changes to the groups in the Tables tool in PCC EHR.


The byprov report lists all of your providers sorted by provider group. Provider groups are used by several Partner programs and reports. Use byprov to review your provider groups and find problems, then make changes to the groups in the Table Editor (ted).


The byproc report lists all procedures by their procedure group. Procedure groups are used by various reports. Use byproc to review your procedure groups and find problems, then make changes to the groups in the Tables tool in PCC EHR.


The immcheck report will list all of the details surrounding immunization and physical configuration at your office. When you run immcheck, you should use the pipe symbol to send the output to less. At a command prompt, type “immcheck | less”. This will prevent the report’s text from scrolling off your screen.

chuck -d

The chuck -d command runs a report that displays all of the charge-posting screen data and HCFA configuration data for your system. If there are any apparent errors, the word “ERROR” will appear in the report’s output. When you run chuck -d, you should use the pipe symbol to send the output to less. At a command prompt, type “chuck -d | less”. This will prevent the report’s text from scrolling off your screen.


The SNOMED Mapping Reports (snomedmap) program includes reports for reviewing and evaluating your common diagnoses and the correlation between ICD-10 and SNOMED diagnosis descriptions. Use the reports to learn about SNOMED equivalences with ICD-10 and plan for configuration changes in PCC EHR. Read The snomedmap Report to learn more. ICD-9, ICD-10, and SNOMED help article to learn more.

  • Last modified: February 27, 2025