Training for New PCC Users

When you or someone at your practice needs to get started with PCC software, you can begin here on PCC Learn with self-guided training outlines by role, along with videos and reference articles.

Live Training: PCC provides live training during your office’s online and at followup visits. We also host regular web labs and other online learning opportunities, and in-person events like our annual PCC Users’ Conference. To learn more about trainings offered by PCC, contact PCC Support.

New User Outlines by Role

Use the outline pages below to explore workflows specific to roles at a pediatric practice.

More Video Training

Recordings of special sessions and the complete library of PCC’s video training materials.

Live Events and Drop-In Sessions

PCC hosts an annual Users’s Conference, along with online web labs about coding, billing, practice management issues, and more.

Workflows by Role

Workflows by Order

Create a Custom Training Plan with PCC

You can work with PCC Support to make sure your staff get exactly the training they need to be successful, including online resources and 1-on-1 web training.

Contact PCC

At least two weeks before your staff needs training, call PCC Support at 802-846-8177 or 800-722-7708, or send an e-mail to Tell us about the role of your new employee.

Our award-winning Support team will work with you to find videos and training materials that will get you started, and then plan 1-on-1 live follow-up training.

During this chat, you’ll learn about the Users’ Conference, our periodic monthly web labs on special topics, and other learning opportunities.

Start Learning

Next, your new employee can review materials and watch training videos to begin their training. We will send you an e-mail with links to relevant training materials.

Here in, you can use the links above and the browsing navigation to find additional content quickly.

1-on-1 Training Time

After your staff watches the video training and reviews introductory materials, online web sessions with PCC Support will fill in the gaps and answer questions. We can provide extra training on tasks specific to your new employee’s position at your practice.

Call Us and Get Free Training

Does your office have a whole bunch of new employees? Or are you a new biller, office manager, or someone who would benefit from a more in-depth training session?

PCC offers specialized phone training for new office managers. Call us to find out more! (802-846-8177 or 800-722-7708)