Edit Your Practice’s Configuration Tables

Tables are lists of items that your PCC system uses in various tools. For example, your practice’s system has a list of insurance policies, clinicians, visit reasons, billing procedures, and more. On a day-to-day basis, your practice does not need to edit your tables. You need to edit a table when you want to add a procedure code for billing purposes, update your prices, or add a new insurance plan.

Follow the guidelines below to safely use the Table Editor (ted) to configure your practice’s tables.

Video: Watch Edit Your Practice’s Configuration Tables to learn more.

Use With Caution: Making changes to your practice’s tables affects every user and can sometimes change patient records. Before making changes, consider consulting with your office’s system administrator or PCC Support at 1-800-722-1082.

Run the Table Editor and Select a Table

You can run the Table Editor from your Practice Management windows.

Enter any number and press Enter to view the corresponding table.

Review Your Table Entries

You can navigate a table by pressing Page Up or Page Down. You can also press J and enter text to jump to a particular letter or number.

When you want to read the details for a specific table entry, enter a number and press Enter.

Add or Clone a New Entry

Press C to clone an existing entry or A to add a new entry. Since you may not know the exact settings or requirements for a table entry, PCC recommends you clone a similar existing entry instead of adding one from scratch. This is particularly true for the insurance table, shown above, where there are a number of configuration options that effect billing.

Do Not Erase or Over-Write a Table Entry

When you change an existing table entry, you are changing any records that may have used that entry. For example, if you change the name of a BCBS insurance table entry to Aetna, then patient policies, reports, and some billing records will reflect that change.

For that reason, you should never over-write a table entry in order to create a new entry or blank-out an entry. Instead, use the Clone or Add Entry functions.

Remove a Table Entry

Since table entries are vital to your history and reports, you can not remove items from your tables, even if you no longer need them.

To hide an entry that is no longer relevant, insert a tilde (~) in front of the sort field of the item, which is usually the name. Table items with a tilde are sorted to the bottom of all lists in PCC’s software, getting them out of the way of day-to-day use.

Review Log of Changes

PCC tracks and records every time a user edits any table. When you add an insurance company, modify procedure pricing, or make another modification to one of your system’s tables, PCC records the user, time, and specific action.

To review “who changed what” in a table, run Table Log (tablelog). For help running tablelog, contact PCC Support.

Enter a date and time range and optionally limit your search to certain tables or users. You can examine additions, edits, and deletions, and choose how to sort the table log.

Press F1Generate Report to continue. You will see complete details on the changes and the “before and after” state of the table entries.

In the example above, the user “joan” changed the length of a provider’s Well Visit appointment reason and changed the price of 99213s.

  • Last modified: January 23, 2025