EPCS: Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances

Training Videos

  • PCC eRx – EPCS Enrollment

    10 minutes • 04-2017
    Watch this video to learn how to turn on EPCS access, register a prescriber, and how to register tokens.

Learn More

  • Prescribe Controlled Substances

    Only registered users can send electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS), but anyone with permission to create prescriptions can prepare and edit them.
  • Register for EPCS

    After a brief registration process, you can send electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS) from PCC eRx.
  • Install and Set Up the Authy App

    The Authy app turns your smartphone into a secure password generator for taking certain actions on your PCC system. Secure Authy passwords are used in conjunction with your regular PCC password to provide an extra layer of security for your account. This article covers how to install and set up the Authy app on your smartphone and tailor notifications to your preference.
  • Manage Your EPCS Account, Tokens, and Password

    After registering for electronic prescribing for controlled substances (EPCS), you can manage your EPCS account and authentication tokens in the Exostar Token Management tool. You can also reset your EPCS password with help from an eRx Administrator.