2015-10 Immunization Forecasting Patch
Immunization Forecasting Logic Update
PCC’s immunization logic partner, STC, is implementing several patches to the Immunization Forecasting features in PCC EHR. The new changes will bring Forecasting Results and Forecasting Warnings more in line with ACIP standards.
Age Restriction Adjustments: PCC’s configuration for age restrictions have been adjusted to the ACIP default. The previous configuration caused immunizations such as Hib and HPV to be ignored for patients within certain age ranges.
MSPV Forecasting: MSPV administered at 11 years of age will now result in an Immunization Forecasting Result for MCV at 16 yrs of age.
Hib Update: Dose 3 of Hib administered at 12 months of age or older, with less than an 8 week interval from previous dose, generated a Forecasting Warning, but was still shown as valid. Dose 3 Hib without the proper interval will now display as invalid as well as produce a warning.
2015-16 Seasonal Influenza Recommendations: For 2015–16, ACIP recommends that children aged 6 months through 8 years who have previously received 2 or more total doses of trivalent or quadrivalent influenza vaccine before July 1, 2015, require only 1 dose for 2015–16. The two previous doses need not have been given during the same season or consecutive seasons. Children in this age group who have not previously received two or more doses of trivalent or quadrivalent influenza vaccine before July 1, 2015 require 2 doses for 2015–16. The interval between the 2 doses should be at least 4 weeks. Immunization Forecasting Results will make recommendations in accordance with these new guidelines. (Visit CDC.gov for more information)
PPSV Forecasting: Immunization Forecasting Results and Warnings in PCC EHR will now match ACIP interval recommendations for PPSV and PCV-13 for patients 65 years or older.