Learn about PCC Futures
Learn what PCC is working on for the future. This is a glimpse into your future development with PCC EHR and our other products, it may change! All updates are included in your PCC Customer Care Plan.
Learn about PCC Futures
Learn what PCC is working on for the future. This is a glimpse into your future development with PCC EHR and our other products, it may change! All updates are included in your PCC Customer Care Plan.

Learn about PCC Futures
Learn what PCC is working on for the future. This is a glimpse into your future development with PCC EHR and our other products, it may change! All updates are included in your PCC Customer Care Plan.
Care For Patients
PCC creates pediatric-friendly software and tools that provide for meaningful interactions between providers, staff, and their patients and families. Here’s what we’re working on:
Allow Portal users other than the Guarantor to complete Patient Pre-Check-InEHR users can assign an additional portal user to complete Pre-Check-In3778910.2
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Projected Release |
Self-Scheduling Through Patient Portal | Allow patient portal users to schedule visits through the Patient Portal without the need to call your practice | 43099 | 10.2 |
Lab Flow Sheet Improvements | Improved display of lab orders and tests so that a provider can more easily find and review the results they need in a useful order or grouping | 11317 | 10.2 |
Display document images for all documents in pocketPCC | View documents directly within pocketPCC, without the need to download them. | 15750 | 10.2 |
Blood Pressure percentiles to align with current AAP standards | Updating PCC EHR’s calculation of patients blood pressure percentiles using the AAP’s updated normative tables from 2017 | 27401 | 10.2 |
Improve workflow of signing policy documents through the Patient Portal | Manage your policy documents and make them easily accessible to your patients and families within Patient Portal | 40356 | Future |
Hide inactive patients in search results | Optionally hide all inactive patients in patient search results | 11301 | Future |
Search for patients by Care Center | Narrow your search results and find the patient you’re looking for by limiting search to a single care center | 48938 | Future |
Customize the Search Rules for each Portal Scheduling Category | Configure the Portal Scheduling Search Rules to match your practice’s scheduling needs | 48958 | Future |
Ensure Success
This category includes efforts to improve the supportability of PCC’s products and services and reporting tools to empower pediatric practices. Here’s what we’re working on:
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Projected Release |
Report on Payments and Adjustments by Payment Type in the Report Library | Review total payments and adjustments by payment type in the Report Library. | 41716 | 10.2 |
Report on Payer Contract Payments, or “Allowables,” in the Report Library | Review overpayments and underpayments by payer group and by check in the Report Library. | 41717 | 10.2 |
Report on VFC Immunization Usage | Review and export reports on VFC immunization usage to meet state requirements. | 8988 | Future |
Report on Visit Revenue by Provider in the Report Library | Review total visits and revenue by provider and month in the Report Library. | 41942 | Future |
Improved PCMH Standardized Measure Reporting | PCMH Dashboard page will reflect new standardized measures and annual reporting options. | 38591 | Future |
Get Clients Paid
This category includes features and updates to support pediatric practices getting paid for providing care. Here’s what we are working on:
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Projected Release |
Edit Configuration Tables in PCC EHR | Edit the underlying configuration tables used by your PCC system in an improved interface with new export and history features. | 36510, 42738, 41449 | 10.2 |
Edit Insurance Plans in PCC EHR | Update your practice’s list of insurance plans quickly and easily in PCC EHR. | 36550 | 10.2 |
Edit Your Practice’s Procedures and Prices in PCC EHR | Update your practice’s list of procedures along with their codes, prices, and other details, in PCC EHR. | 36552 | 10.2 |
Edit Encounter Charges in PCC EHR | For any encounter, edit the provider, location, diagnoses, procedures, diagnosis linking, responsible party, and other claim information. Then optionally generate a new claim. | 12089 | 10.2 |
Record Encounter Billing Notes in PCC EHR | As you bill for an encounter and work on problem claims, keep encounter-specific notes in the billing history. | 12089 | 10.2 |
Generate a Single Personal Statement in PCC EHR | While working on an account in PCC EHR, generate a single up-to-date bill for them at any time. | 38499 | 10.2 |
Record the Payor Claim Control Number As You Post Insurance Payments | When autoposting or posting manually, PCC EHR can store the Payor Claim Control Number from ERAs and EOBs, making it easier to resubmit claims. | 13501, 46822 | 10.2 |
Write Off Account Credits in PCC EHR | Use a quick and easy interface to either refund or write off an account credit. | 42750 | 10.2 |
Work with an Account’s History in PCC EHR | Review a single family account’s complete billing history, identify problems, and take action. | 43082 | 10.4 |
Work on Personal Balances in PCC EHR | Review a worklist of all family accounts with outstanding personal balances and take action. | 37991 | 10.4 |
Work on Insurance A/R in PCC EHR | Review all of your practice’s unpaid claims and take action. | 46715 | 10.4 |
Clinical Data Exchange
From eRx to labs to immunization registries, PCC implements and maintains clinical connections on your behalf. These improvements happen constantly, usually behind the scenes. Here’s what we are working on next:
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Projected Release |
Prescribe from Your Smartphone | Prescribe from anywhere! Log into pocketPCC on your mobile device and click over to PCC eRx to review patient medications and prescribe just the way you’re used to doing on your laptop or desktop computer. | 41480 | 10.2 |
Optionally Include Phone Notes with Patient Chart Exports | Choose whether to include phone notes and all associated clinical data when you export a patient’s chart. Chart exports exclude phone notes by default. | 38762 | 10.2 |
Better Handling of Clinical Data Associated with Portal Messages During Chart Exports | Patient chart exports only include documents, diagnoses, orders, prescriptions, vitals, and other clinical data associated with portal messages when portal messages themselves are selected for export. | 40400 | 10.2 |
See Refused and Contraindicated Labs in Chart Export Results | The chart export file “results.csv” will include refused and contraindicated labs, bringing it in line with other chart export files such as “chart.pdf”, “chart.html”, and “ccda.xml”. | 41813 | 10.2 |
Cancel Stalled Chart Exports and Resume Work in PCC EHR | When a chart export is taking too long, you can cancel it and resume work in PCC EHR. | 41777 | 10.2 |
Spend Less Time Exporting Charts | Changes under the hood improve the speed of chart exports so you can move on to other tasks sooner. | 46681 | 10.2 |
Retrieve and Save TIFF Files from Other Health Care Organizations | When partner healthcare organizations in the Carequality network provide images in the TIFF file format in response to your practice’s Clinical Document Exchange queries, you can retrieve and save them to your patients’ charts in PCC EHR. | 38271 | 10.2 |
Support for Quest Business Units | In preparation for the ability to order labs electronically from PCC EHR, PCC introduces background configuration and infrastructure to support Quest Business Units. Quest Business Units are regional subsidiaries of Quest Laboratories that each have their own test code compendia, which are essential for accurate test and result routing. Every practice that contracts with Quest Laboratories belongs to a Business Unit. | 22597 | 10.2 |
Electronically Submit Prior Authorization Requests for Medications | Initiate, fill out, and submit prior authorization forms electronically when a patient’s insurance company requires it for a medication or other prescribed item. | 12272 | Future |
Order Labs Electronically in PCC EHR | Submit electronic lab orders directly from PCC EHR. | 12329 | Future |
New Immunization Registry Connection in Hawaii (HIR) | Practices in Hawaii will be configured for automatic nightly submission of immunization data to the state immunization registry (HIR). Eventually, this connection will be upgraded to include on-demand record retrieval, also known as a bidirectional connection. | 24188 | Future |
Deployed in the Past 12 Months
In the past year, PCC has delivered the enhancements and improvements listed below. For complete details, including documentation and videos showing how to implement these features at your practice, visit the Updates page or search learn.pcc.com.
Care For Patients
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Software Release Version |
Distinguish Between Current and Future Encounters in the Visit History | When reviewing a patient’s visit history or attaching a document to a visit, a clear distinction will be made between current and future encounters. | 20164 | 9.7 |
Viewable Log for Chats | Your practice owner or managers will be able to review employee’s EHR chat messages. | 9408 | 9.7 |
Room List Editor | Authorized users at your practice will be able to add or update the list of available exam rooms. | 24576 | 9.8 |
Find New Documents Faster in Patient Portal | The Patient Portal home page will indicate which patients have new documents waiting for your portal users to review. | 15761 | 9.8 |
Increased visibility of draft portal messages in PCC EHR | Unsent, draft, portal messages will be more easily found within PCC EHR. | 9491 | 9.9 |
Pre-Check-In | Patient Portal users will be able complete a pre-check-in process prior to their visit, speeding up the check-in process in the office. | 20095 | 9.9 |
Display the status of Pre-Check-In on the Schedule screen | Icons will indicate the status of Pre-Check-In on PCC EHR’s schedule queue. | 30006 | 9.9 |
Update Room from Chart | Providers will be able to assign or change a room from within a patient’s encounter. | 11322 | 9.9 |
Use Status Flags to Prevent Scheduling Patients | Manage your patient and account flags to select which flags will prevent a patient from being scheduled through Appointment Book | 11339 | 10.0 |
Control what appears in the”From” field on portal messages | Change the name that appears in the from field for patient portal messages | 11324 | 10.0 |
When a user is in a messaging task, mark it as “in use” to other users |
Avoid duplicating work when messaging patients and families. Messages currently open by other EHR users will be marked as “in use”. | 11299 | 10.0 |
Improved Patient Portal date selection during identity verification | When logging in to Patient Portal for the first time, entering a patient’s date of birth is easier using a new date selection tool | 11609 | 10.0 |
Merge Duplicate Patients in PCC EHR | Combine a pair duplicate patient records into a single patient record within PCC EHR. | 37995 | 10.1 |
Merge Duplicate Accounts in PCC EHR | Combine duplicate accounts into a single account in PCC EHR, and maintain patients, billing history and account notes. | 38000 | 10.1 |
View a Patient Portal message Thread When Replying | While composing a reply to a patient portal message, previous messages in the conversation will be visible. | 34594 | 10.1 |
Find a Specific Message Thread Easily in Patient Portal | Patient Portal’s Messaging component will list the patient’s name, if more than one patient is assigned to the account, an All Messages page displays a searchable list of all previous messages. | 37995 | 10.1 |
Ensure Success
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Software Release Version |
Manage Your Own Forms Signature Repository | In a new signature tool, view, upload, and delete provider signature images to create and maintain a repository of signatures for patient forms. | 10093, 10598, 10612, 10614 | 9.7 |
Use Special Characters on Forms | Use special characters on forms to better represent patient names and accommodate words from other languages. | 23867 | 9.7 |
Generate Forms with Encounter Variables | Create standard forms that can populate patient vitals and other encounter-specific information based on a visit selected by the user. | 8726 | 9.7 |
Manage Signature Permissions | A new signature tool empowers you to set permissions for signature generation on forms, so you can select which users can or cannot generate a provider’s signature. | 24968 | 9.7 |
Use Snap Text in Form Responses | Use Snap text in form responses to quickly and consistently fill in information. | 9382, 12045 | 9.7 |
Report on Refused, Canceled, and Historic Immunizations in PCC EHR | The Immunization Administration Details and Patient List reports expand to include historic immunizations, refused, canceled, and contraindicated immunization statuses, and new columns for Immunization Status, Refusal/Contraindicated Reason, and Immunization Source. | 24374 | 9.8 |
See More Appointment Scheduling Details in the Report Library | Add filters to your appointment reports to see when appointments were scheduled and the full name of the person who scheduled them. You can use this information to answer scheduling questions and optimize your workflows. | 21496 | 9.8 |
Create a Practice-Wide Footer for Patient Forms | Complete your practice letterhead with a footer that can be included on patient forms in the Forms Configuration tool. Use variables, images, and whatever else is needed to communicate with your patients in a brand-friendly way. | 12977 | 9.9 |
More Name Formatting Options on Patient Forms | Build forms in the Forms Configuration tool that can automatically print a patient’s first and last names without including a middle name. | 28012 | 9.9 |
Set Your Own Margins on Patient Forms | Set your own margins for your practice letterhead and body elements on patient forms. Control the letterhead margins separately from the rest and see your forms shine. | 28958 | 10.0 |
Report on Provider Productivity in the Report Library | Run reports on charges and payments broken out by provider within the Report Library. | 38535 | 10.1 |
Reconcile or Prove Out Insurance Payments in the Report Library | Review insurance checks by detail and total within the Report Library. | 38484 | 10.1 |
Get Clients Paid
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Software Release Version |
Work on Claims That Can Not Be Submitted | After you process and submit claims, you can review the list of claims that could not be submitted and need corrections. | 8007, 15565, 19767, 20201, 15563 | 9.7 |
Use Improved Claim Error Descriptions | When you review claims that could not be submitted, new and clearer claim error messages in PCC EHR will help you understand and resolve problems quickly. | 12970 | 9.7 |
Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments in PCC EHR | When an incoming EOB requires manual attention, use PCC EHR to post payments, adjustments and CARCs while checking the negotiated rate. Pend remaining amounts to the next responsible party. | 6807, 13634-13638 | 9.7 |
Change the Copay Due for a Charge | As you enter payments and adjustments from an EOB, you can quickly change the copay amount due for a charge. | 6807 | 9.7 |
Attach Insurance Card Images to Policies | Add card images to each insurance policy for quick reference. | 19614 | 9.8 |
View Payment History as You Post Insurance Payments | As you post insurance payments and adjustments for a claim, you can easily review the complete payment history for the patient’s account(s). | 27002 | 9.8 |
Review Insurance Payments and Adjustments Paired Together | When you review payment history in PCC EHR’s Payments tools, you’ll see insurance payments and adjustments grouped together, making it easier to understand and work on payment issues. | 19700 | 9.8 |
Edit Insurance Payments in PCC EHR | As you review an account’s payment history, you can easily understand how insurance payments and adjustments are applied to charges and edit payments to make corrections right in PCC EHR. | 11673 | 9.8 |
Reverse an Insurance Payment (Post a “Takeback”) in PCC EHR | When a payer reverses a payment (issues a “takeback”), you can quickly reverse the payments and adjustments for an encounter so you can post the new ERA. | 7543 | 9.8 |
Revalidate Claims that Could Not Be Submitted | After you fix issues with claims that can’t go out, you can quickly revalidate them to see if you’ve addressed the problems and the claims are now clean. | 15565 | 9.9 |
Use the Claims Tool Concurrently With Other Users | More than one user can now open up the Claims tool to review claims that need corrections, fix and revalidate claim problems, and view the log of claim submissions. | 27007 | 9.9 |
View ERAs in PCC EHR | View all electronic remittance advice that your PCC system has received from payors. | 28932, 28983 | 9.9 |
Post Insurance Overpayments, Interest Payments, and Capitation Payments in PCC EHR | When you use holding accounts to track overpayments, insurance interest, and capitation payments, you can enter them quickly and easily in PCC EHR. | 31550 | 9.9 |
Search By Patients in the Payments Tool | When you open the Payments tool in PCC EHR, you can search by either parent accounts or patients. When you search by account, you can also see the full name of dependents on the account. | 26000, 31552 | 9.9 |
Work on Claims that Can Not Be Submitted | As you work on the list of claims that need corrections, you can review more details and jump to different tools to correct issues. | 19767 | 10.0 |
Check Eligibility Without an Appointment | Before you schedule an appointment, you can check the insurance eligibility for a patient using today’s date. | 29141 | 10.0 |
Print Outstanding Personal Balances During Checkin in PCC EHR | Provide a quick summary of all outstanding personal balances to families. | 31632 | 10.0 |
Automatically Post Insurance Payments and Adjustments in PCC EHR | Quickly process incoming ERAs in a new tool that allows you to post more responses without manual intervention. | 7545 | 10.0 |
Configure Your Practice’s Claim Delay | Control how many days all of your practice’s claims will pause before they can be submitted. | 10036 | 10.0 |
Instantly Review a Patient’s Active Policies | While working in a patient’s chart, see a list of their active insurance policies with a single click. | 28308 | 10.1 |
Enter a Custom Transaction Date When Autoposting ERAs | When you autopost ERAs in PCC EHR, you can optionally enter your practice’s transaction date, overriding the payor’s remittance date. | 39497 | 10.1 |
Automatically Change Expected Copay to $0 When a Patient Has Medicaid | When you autopost ERAs in PCC EHR, and a patient has an active medicaid policy for the date of service, the expected copay will be reduced to $0. | 10310 | 10.1 |
Review Posted ERAs for Special Cases | While reviewing a posted ERA, you can drill down to those special circumstances that may require your review and attention. | 35228 | 10.1 |
See More Detailed Claim History in PCC EHR | Use the Billing History in the patient’s chart to see when claims for an encounter were held, delayed, processed, received by the payer, and more. | 26636 | 10.1 |
Read Claim Responses in PCC EHR | While viewing the claim history for an encounter in a patient’s chart, click to open the full response from the payor. | 11775 | 10.1 |
Generate Personal Bills in PCC EHR | Generate statements for families in PCC EHR and send them electronically to your printing service or print them. | 37624 | 10.1 |
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Software Release Version |
Routine Infrastructure Updates for a More Secure System | Routine, under-the-hood infrastructure updates improve the security and stability of your PCC system while paving the way for future functionality. | 13446, 16525, 16526, 16527 | 9.6 |
Upgrade from Windows 8 and 32-Bit to a Newer Operating System | Microsoft has ended support for Windows 8 and 32-bit operating systems. For security reasons, PCC EHR will stop running on these operating systems. | 16281, 16373, 21494 | 9.6 |
Automatic CDC Vaccine Code and VIS Updates | Your practice’s PCC server will automatically update important vaccine information from the CDC. | 13780 | 9.7 |
See When Your Next PCC Update Is | In the week leading up to your next PCC update, see a reminder about it every time you log in. Click the “Details” link to learn what is included in the update and how to prepare. | 30838 | 10.0 |
Clinical Data Exchange
Feature | Description | Reference Number | Software Release Version |
Unlink E-lab Results | Instead of having to call PCC Support when you accidentally link e-lab results to the wrong patient, you can unlink them yourself. | 10625 | 9.7 |
Manage Patients’ Default Pharmacy More Easily | Clearly see which pharmacy is the patient’s default and set a preference for updating the default when adding a new pharmacy to the patient’s list. | 13218 | 9.7 |
Keep Sibling Pharmacies In Sync | Choose how you’d like to keep pharmacy information up-to-date between siblings: automatically, not at all, or by being prompted to apply changes to siblings each time you update a patient’s pharmacies. | 13247 | 9.7 |
Create Searchable Pharmacy Nicknames | Set up practice-wide, searchable nicknames for pharmacies that are otherwise tricky to find. | 13224 | 9.7 |
Look Up Prescription Benefits in Real Time While You Prescribe | Check how much a medication will cost your patient and what better alternatives exist based on their insurance coverage. | 21585 | 9.8 |
Reroute Your Patient’s Prescription to a Different Pharmacy | When the pharmacy can’t dispense your patient’s prescription as written, use the “Resend” button to reroute it to a different pharmacy or to change it to something that can be filled. | 27844 | 9.8 |
Send Cancellations to the Pharmacy Only When You Want To | Decide for yourself whether PCC eRx should automatically send electronic cancellation messages to the pharmacy when you discontinue medications with active prescriptions. This per-user setting lets each person customize whether PCC eRx always sends cancellations, never sends them, or asks each time. | 15373, 8931 | 9.8 |
Identify Active Prescriptions at a Glance in Medication History | A colorful “Active Rx” label in Medication History makes it easy to see which entries have active prescriptions. Use this information to identify patients’ current medications and which items can be discontinued. | 15373 | 9.8 |
Automatically Prescribe the Minimum Commercial Package Size for Liquids and Drops | To simplify communication with the pharmacy and get more useful Real-Time Pricing results, prescriptions for liquids and drops automatically default to the minimum commercially dispensable package size when appropriate. | 28100 | 9.8 |
Automatically Prescribe the On-Market Generic when a Brand Name Favorite or Historic Medication is Off Market | When you prescribe an off-market brand name medication from your favorites or a patient’s Medication History, PCC eRx automatically substitutes the on-market generic equivalent to prevent interruptions to your workflow. | 29290 | 9.8 |
Improvements to Medication History | A flurry of small-but-mighty fixes result in fewer duplicate Medication History entries, clearer labeling of active and inactive entries, and more consistent display between the Medication History, Review & Sign, and Prescriptions components in PCC EHR and PCC eRx. | 29249, 15093, 28242, 28200, 28199, 21988, 26481, 28198, 28197, 15118, 22555, 21497, 28243, 28986, 28987, 14956 | 9.8 |
Even More eRx Improvements | A dozen fixes improve your daily workflows in PCC eRx. Count on more relevant safety warnings pertaining to patient diagnoses, proper dispense quantity calculations when you prescribe medicine to be taken in “both” eyes, ears, or nostrils, and much, much more. | 21988, 29187, 27534, 28287, 15088, 28290, 15074, 14990, 15063, 28280, 15009, 28101 | 9.8 |
Improved Immunization Forecasting | Immunization forecasting in PCC EHR gets an upgrade to more closely follow CDSI and ACIP guidelines. Translation: enjoy more up-to-date guidance, now with a bolder display when your patient is within the minimum, recommended, and past due date ranges for an immunization. | 29068, 28325, 28054, 27390, 27392 | 9.8 |
Updated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) Version | PCC updates your system to conform with C-CDA version 2.1, the most recent standard for clinical document architecture. This update does not result in changes to your experience, but keeps your practice in line with exchange partners and lays the foundation for possible future improvements to consolidated clinical document creation and exchange in PCC EHR. | 16852 | 9.8 |
Submit and Retrieve Immunizations from Vermont’s Immunization Registry | Automatically send immunization records and pull them on-demand from Vermont’s VITL immunization registry. Review retrieved records and import new historical entries into patients’ Immunization History in PCC EHR. | 27471 | 9.8 |
Submit and Retrieve Immunizations from Oklahoma’s Immunization Registry | Automatically send immunization records and pull them on-demand from Oklahoma’s OSIIS immunization registry. Review retrieved records and import new historical entries into patients’ Immunization History in PCC EHR. | 14740 | 9.8 |
Bidirectional Exchange with Immunization Registries in Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Nebraska | Pull immunization records on-demand from immunization registries in Arkansas (AR WebIZ), Idaho (IRIS), Kentucky (KYIS), Mississippi (MIIX), and Nebraska (NESIIS) and import relevant updates into your patient’s history. Bidirectional exchange also includes automatic nightly submission of your immunization data to the registry. | 31305, 22930, 27783, 15340, 27693 | 9.9 |
Migration to Pennsylvania Emergency Incident Reporting System (PIERS) | At the request of the jurisdiction in question, PCC migrated Pennsylvania practices’ immunization registry connections from the Pennsylvania Statewide Immunization Information System (PA-SIIS) to the Pennsylvania Emergency Incident Reporting System (PEIRS) in January 2024. | 30338 | 9.9 |
Export a Patient’s Whole Chart | Export a password-protected version of your patient’s whole chart in just a few clicks, with the option to include information marked as confidential. | 30259 | 10.0 |
PCC EHR Becomes Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) | PCC EHR supports your participation in incentive programs that require the use of a certified EHR. | N/A | 10.0 |
Import More Document Types from Hospitals and Other Health Care Providers | You can already retrieve Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs) from hospitals and other health care providers and import them into your patients’ charts in PCC EHR. In PCC 10.0, you can additionally import PDFs, image files, and text documents. | 15295, 36867 | 10.0 |
See Vitals in Chronological Order on Summary of Care Reports | When you generate a Summary of Care report for a patient in PCC EHR, their vitals measurements will display chronologically by encounter date. | 22597 | 10.0 |
Bidirectional Exchange with Immunization Registries in New Hampshire and New Mexico | Pull immunization records on-demand from NHIIS, New Hampshire’s immunization registry, and NMSIIS, New Mexico’s immunization registry, and import relevant updates into your patient’s history. Bidirectional exchange also includes automatic nightly submission of your immunization data to the registry. | 9397 | 10.0 |
Print Lab Specimen Labels from PCC EHR | When you order labs in PCC EHR, print specimen labels with the patient’s name, date of birth, sex, and specimen collection date, time, and source in a format that is compatible with your DYMO label printer. | 34520 | 10.1 |
Record a Specimen Source for Lab Orders | When you order a lab in PCC EHR, record a specimen source as part of the order. When you print a specimen label, the source appears with the collection date and time. | 34520 | 10.1 |
See Refused and Contraindicated Immunizations when Importing from the Registry | When you retrieve patient immunizations from your registry, you can clearly identify which ones were Refused or Contraindicated and decide whether or not to import them into the patient’s chart. | 39053 | 10.1 |
Filter Pharmacy Communications by Location | Use the Location filter the Rx Queue to see just the renewal requests, change requests, and prescription errors that are relevant to the location(s) where you work. With less clutter, it’s easier to tell when you need to take action. | 40076 | 10.1 |
Register for EPCS in Fewer Steps | When you register for electronic prescribing for controlled substances (EPCS), your credentials become active as soon as you complete identity proofing and register your tokens. | 37924 | 10.1 |
Small But Mighty eRx Improvements and Bug Fixes | PCC 10.1 delivers another batch of small but mighty improvements and bug fixes. We’re tuning up dose limit warnings for patients who meet adult dosing criteria, fixing issues with stubborn fields on Augmentin prescriptions, preventing asynchronous errors when renewing prescriptions, and more. | 39164, 38005, 34167, 38544, 38750 | 10.1 |
C-CDA Improvements | PCC 10.1 reduces C-CDA communication errors with vendors by improving how email addresses are extracted from your PCC system. Additionally, PCC EHR will provide test result interpretation codes and reference ranges with C-CDA Summary of Care records whenever possible. | 38465, 38466 | 10.1 |